
Friday, 16 August 2019


Moving on with Figurative language for english I am now doing Personfaction.

In each sentence, an object or idea is personified.  Identify the object or idea that is being personified and explain which human trait or action is applied to the object or idea.

The wind whispered through the gloomy forest. 
What is being personified? The wind
What human trait or quality has it been given? whispering

The gardener lovingly added the manure to his crops believing he was making happy flowers.
What is being personified? The Flowers
What human trait or quality has it been given? Being happy

As we walked through the scorching desert, the sun beat down on us.
What is being personified? the Sun
What human trait or quality has it been given? Beating down on the people.
The lumberjack leveled the many trees into a clearing and his chainsaw sang its deadly song.
What is being personified? the chainsaw
What human trait or quality has it been given? singing a deadly song

As Alice searched for her missing pencil, she said sarcastically, “Well, I guess it just walked off of my desk.”  She looked at her classmates accusingly.  
What is being personified? the pencil
What human trait or quality has it been given? walking away

When Monica walked through the shoe store, each shiny pair of high heels called out to her.
What is being personified? the high heeled shoes
What human trait or quality has it been given? calling out to her

Time to write my own

1. As we walked, the trees leaned in for a hug, the wind gently pushing them.
2. The picture screamed creativity.
3. The sky was crying all day
4. The lights blinked as they turned on
5. The poster screamed for attention
6. The plants cried to be fed
7. The balloon danced on its string
8. The wind howled in the dead of night
9. The statue stared at me, daring me, challenging me.
10. The bubble flew, higher than a bird.

What have I learnt, That it is hard to come up with ideas.
How does this work show my learning, It took me a long time to come up with my own, and I did more than I had to so I got better.
what am I wondering, nothing. I am fine.

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