
Friday, 9 August 2019

30 second Film

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In english for the past 3 weeks, we have been making a 30-35 second film. My group consisted of Rykin, Josh, Kayden and Ian.

Our film was going to be about a kid getting distracted out a window, and the teacher scaring him, but soon turned into said kid jumping out said window and the teacher dragging him back into class by the ear, then turned into two kids jumping out of the window, teacher catches one, and miss' the other, then to the same but the teacher sees the second kid and starts chasing them.  We went with the last one.

Kayden was our lovely teacher, Josh was Kid 1 and Rykin was Kid 2. I was the director and Ian was/is the editor/music finder. Mrs Handley Gave us the Idea of jumping out the window.

Some things I Enjoyed about this Project Was to be honest, Actually, Having people listen to me for once and  Experimenting with different Ideas

Some things I learned was that you have to be flexible and be able to change your idea at anytime. I also learnt that, while I was director, I was not in charge, others were able to talk as well and give ideas too.

Some things that challenged me was putting down my 'this is what I want. No that is not how it is done, here let me" attitude that I have found to have and let the others learn by doing it. And not to yell at them to "get their butts over here and keep working." As I would have put it. Also to keep a positive attitude when working with challenging people/situations.

If I did this film project again I think what I would try to do differently, would be one, trying to keep everyone on task and not letting them get distracted as much as they were this time. And two, maybe try it with a different prompt, ours was 'getting distracted/falling asleep in class.'

here is the finished result

Image result for filmImage result for film


  1. Michaela
    Some great reflections. I'm glad you felt that you were listened to... that is important for us all. I'd like to have seen your video clip

  2. Kia Ora Michaela, this is a very insightful reflection. I liked that you were able to be honest about the challenges and successes of your group and the roles you each played. Hopefully you will have your video up soon!?


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