
Wednesday 14 August 2019


In english we are learning about Figurative language. One of the types of figurative language is Idioms. Idioms are things like "He's driving me up the wall." In other words say things that are understood in ordinary English and do not mean what they say. Idioms are not meant to be taken literally. I had to match the Idiom with the meaning.

a.Just chill out dude! 
It means: calm down.
b. ‘He is driving me up the wall!’
It means he is driving me batty/crazy
c. ‘His nose is out of joint’
It means he is out of whack
d. The teacher is a real scream
It means the teacher is real fun
e. What is she cooking up in her mind right now?
It means: what is she thinking
f. He gave her the eye. 
It means: he looked at her pointly 

Then I had to draw three of them as a literal saying, here are my drawings of, 
'the teacher is a real scream,' 'What is she cooking in her mind right now,' and 'he gave her the eye'
I then had to write at least three more.

1. hit the road - let's get going
2. Put a lid on it - shut up/be quite
3. turn that frown upside down - smile
4. She's turning green - She is getting envyus

What have I learnt, I have learnt different Idioms and what they are called
How does this work show my learning, this shows my learning by... I don't know, by having the pictures and the work up.
what am I wondering. I am wondering, what can be said a idiom is and what is just a saying ie: settle petal.

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