
Tuesday 12 February 2019

Factual or Satirical

In English we are learning about if a website is factual or satirical. We have been give a list of 8 sites,

we have some questions to answer for each one

  • What does the website look like?
  • What photos is it using?
  • What headlines are they sharing?
  • Do you think it is a Factual website, or a Satirical website?

The daily Mash

  • What does the website look like? a take on the Daily Mail
  • What photos is it using? simple plain photos mainly faces
  • What headlines are they sharing?

'Boyfriend who ‘can’t read minds’ also unable to understand verbal instructions'

'Are you enough of a twat to go to university these days?'

'4 classic kids’ films that could offend idiots'

  • Do you think it is a Factual website, or a Satirical website? Satirical
NZ Herald

  • What does the website look like? any other news site
  • What photos is it using? detailed realavint photos
  • What headlines are they sharing?
  • Live: Nelson fires could still be burning in March

A four-run thriller! Black Caps cling on to claim superb series win.
  • Do you think it is a Factual website, or a Satirical website? Factual
The Shovel
  • What does the website look like? any other news site
  • What photos is it using? Relevant to the article
  • What headlines are they sharing?
  • Fears For Group Who Went To Rainbow Serpent Festival Without Drugs
  • In A World Of Fake News, You Need Fake News You Can Trust

  • Do you think it is a Factual website, or a Satirical . satirical

Daily Telegraph

  • What does the website look like? Any other website
  • What photos is it using? Relavint photos that make you want  to read it
  • What headlines are they sharing?
Young dealer hiding drugs in secret compartment
E-sports show kids that hard work does pay off
  • Do you think it is a Factual website, or a Satirical website? Don’t know. Have to pay to read the articles
these are the ones my buddy paige did 

The Onion
  • What does the website look like? Fake.
  • What photos is it using? Some real some fake looking.
  • What headlines are they sharing? We Predict Who Will Watch The Grammys This Sunday,
    ‘Fly, My Pretties,’ Says Jeff Bezos Releasing Swarm Of
  • Amazon Drones To Hunt Down Nude Photos
  • Do you think it is a Factual website, or a Satirical website? Satirical.
The New York Times

  • What does the website look like? Real.
  • What photos is it using? Real
  • What headlines are they sharing? For Democrats Aiming Taxes at the Super rich, "the moment belongs to the Bold"
  • Do you think it is a Factual website, or a Satirical website? Factual.

The Civilian

  • What does the website look like? Real
  • What photos is it using? Real
  • What headlines are they sharing? EMBARRASSING: Winning Melbourne
Cup horse just ran around in a big circle like some
kind of idiot
  • Do you think it is a Factual website, or a Satirical website? Factual
The Daily Mail

  • What does the website look like? Real
  • What photos is it using? Real
  • What headlines are they sharing?...Horror as man in his 30s dies
after his 'throat was slit with a huge knife when he refused to give
    man a cigarette' in upmarket suburb on another night of London bloodshed 
    • Do you think it is a Factual website, or a Satirical website? Factual

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