
Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Critical Literacy

Today in English we started learning about critical literacy. We watched two videos and then decontruced them.

The first one was of a 'brain dead' teen whose parents decided to euthanize her. It was posted by The Onion, who takes a story or a situation and turn it into a news article. Search up the onion brain dead teenager on you tube.
Image result for the onion brain dead teenager
picture not video 

The second one was someone ,Andrea Quijada, talking about decoding media. Her parents taught her from a young age how to decode T.V ads. she goes around schools teaching children how to read between the lines of ads on their media feed. 

We were taught about the C.R.A.P test
Current. what is the date of your source? Is it recent or old?
Reliability/Relevance. Is the source fair? Does it give references?
Authority. Is the author informed? where was the piece published? Has the work been peer reviewed?
Purpose/Point of View. Is it Fact or Opinion? Does the author have a agenda?

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