
Tuesday 26 September 2017

Our New Kete

The Lorax-movie 

Image result for the lorax
To introduce the new Kete, Toitutanga, sustainability, the year 7 cohort went in to 7Sh and watched The Lorax.

The big idea of the movie to me is that no matter what your actions will affect what happens to you and the world. Chopping down trees like the once-ler did as a young man is a example on the thing that change your environment.  A small decision can change the world for better or worse. I think the author, Dr Seuss, wants us to think about what we decide to do and the affeat to us and nater. To me some of the key concepts is logging, being sustainable and deforestation.

what we could do to help this in real life is to have less rubbish by using more as re/upcycling some of your no longer useful stuff.

Safety in the science lab

Safety in the science lab

no running
keep your hands to your self/ don't touch things you don't know what they are
put your bag under the desk
be careful with the equipment
no eating or drinking in the lab

these are some of the things we may use


to day we got to play/work with the Bunsen burner

to day in science ...

I got my Bunsen burner licence. 


My Adolescent Brochure

LO:Create a brochure for advising adolescents on how to get through the changes of puberty.

One of the assessment tasks was to make a brochure for our peers on the changes of puberty.
Here are some pictures of mine. The pages are, Puberty Changes For Boys, Puberty Changes For Girls, Hygiene Importance and Finding Solutions.
front cover
page 1
pages 2&3
page 4
Over all I feel that I did really well but I think I needed more colour. I also think I should of had more writing. Let me know what you think. 

Monday 21 August 2017

Coke and mentos

Exploding coke
Aim: to see if  coke explodes when as mentos lolly is dropped into it using different temperatures and different kinds of coke.

The coke will explode and it will go over 10 cm.


Coke Mentos
Measuring flask

Task 1:
  1. pour 100 mil coke in to flask 
  2. add mentos
Task 2:
  1. heat up 150ml in a beaker of coke(using a thermometer to heat it to 15 degrees).
  2. place the beaker in the sink and add mentos.

6 Mentos lollies were dropped into a bottle of coke. the height of the fountain of coke was measured in centimetres.
A Mentos was crushed and dropped into the coke. This showed no result.

48c m
Crushed Mentos
No result
Coke Zero
44 cm
heated to 15 degrees
nothing but a few bubbles

Monday 14 August 2017

The Scientific Method

Aim; To compare  tap water and salt water
150mls tap water 
2 teaspoons salt
2 beakers
Bunsen burner
Bunsen burner tripod
heat mat
Gauze mat 

  1. get your equipment 
  2. attach Bunsen burner to the gas tap
  3. fill up both beakers 
  4. add salt to one
  5. place beaker on tripod
  6. place the burner on mat
  7. light the burner
  8. as it heats up add the thermometer 
  9. record results
  10. repeat 
the tap water boiled at 100c  when the salt boiled at 99/100c 

the tap water and salt water boiled at the same temp 

Friday 11 August 2017

My First Three Weeks Back.

My First Three Weeks Back.

Week 1:

In week one of term Three 7Ld learned that we were doing science this term; Yay! Our teacher is Mr Palmer, and we have science on a Monday and Thursday. We also found out we were getting a new student called Jhermaine. 

Week 2

In Week two 7Ld learned that next week the year 7&8s were going to Orana Wildlife Park on Monday for the day and we were getting another new student called Wajihah who was coming from Fiji 

Week 3

Like I said in week three the year 7&8s  whet to Orana Wildlife Park for the day. We were split into groups and went to see the animals and my group first saw the reptiles. I really liked the lizards because they blend in with there surroundings and where the hardiest to find, but my all time favourite animal has to be the kiwi because its a native animal and they are really cute. Last time I was there I saw the meerkat and porcupines and those where really amazing. I love the meerkat because the first time I saw them was with my grandma for a treat. 

All in all this three weeks have been a blast so much fun. my favourite week has to be... Week 3 
Here is some photos of the animals 

Image result for Orana Wildlife ParkImage result for Orana Wildlife ParkImage result for Orana Wildlife ParkImage result for Orana Wildlife Park

Hands down the best first three weeks back ever 

Monday 7 August 2017

Lighting Our Hands On FIRE!!!!

To safely light myself on fire 󠁉


  1. water
  2. soap 
  3. lighter
  4. safety glasses 
  5. lab coat

  1. Be SAFE 
  2. Wet your hands and forearms 
  3. grab a scoop of bubbles 
  4. get some one to light them 

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Giving Change.

Today I will show you how to give change from $150 and $55.58

I liked the way I spoke because I'm normaly quiet but I spoke loudly

Monday 12 June 2017

Place value

To day I will show you how to do two ways to add 24 to 37 the first way will be the bar way and then I will show a way to make it eszy to put in your book

I think my audio could of been better but I tried and as I have a soft voice so it is quiet. I think the vidoe may be slow and I might have mummbled a bit Im sorry

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Saturday 27 May 2017

My favorite things

my favorite things

I like more stuff but thes came to mind 

Tuesday 23 May 2017

My Audience

We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.

We often share personal information when we are online. The people we share with could be our friends and family or people we don't know. We need to make smart decisions about what personal information we share online.

Thursday 11 May 2017

A Little on me

A Little On Me 

Hi my name is Michaela Cameron and I'm a Kiwi and have never been out of the Southland [NZ] =[ . I've lived in Hornby Christchurch my whole life, but have been down to Dunedin and Invercargill  and up to Greymouth. I am 11 so have plenty of time to go outside of my comfort zone and explore the world. I like to play make believe and to go on my scooter and my bike, though last year I hated the thought of biking but now I love it =] . I can be a clown and make others laugh. I live with my crazy family my Mum, Dad, James, my older brother and Rosa, my older sister so, yes I'm the youngest.
Image result for bikes and scooters
these are not mine
I hope you now know some more about me and I would love you to follow me too.

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Exploring Blogs

We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.

We often share personal information when we are online. The people we share with could be our friends and family or people we don't know. We need to make smart decisions about what personal information we share online.


Tuesday 4 April 2017

Welcome to 2017! 

My first ever post. 

Thursday 16 March 2017

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Welcome to your very own blog for learning. We look forward to seeing you share your learning with your teachers, your school, your family and friends anywhere.