
Monday 14 August 2017

The Scientific Method

Aim; To compare  tap water and salt water
150mls tap water 
2 teaspoons salt
2 beakers
Bunsen burner
Bunsen burner tripod
heat mat
Gauze mat 

  1. get your equipment 
  2. attach Bunsen burner to the gas tap
  3. fill up both beakers 
  4. add salt to one
  5. place beaker on tripod
  6. place the burner on mat
  7. light the burner
  8. as it heats up add the thermometer 
  9. record results
  10. repeat 
the tap water boiled at 100c  when the salt boiled at 99/100c 

the tap water and salt water boiled at the same temp 

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