
Friday 22 May 2020

Oil of wintergreen.

In science yesterday, we attempted to make Oil of wintergreen. Key word attempted. We failed. Something went wrong, and instead of  white crystals, we got a brown liquid.

To start with, we added 5 ml of methanol in to a boiling tube, and added 1 ml of salicylic acid. We heated 250ish ml of water over a bunsen burner,  until it was 70ish degrees. We added 3 drops of Sulfuric acid before putting the boiling tube in to the water. We let the Methanol boil off, and we got a  brown liquid, not the crystals we wanted.

What could we change next time? I have no idea. I am no scientist. but... we could have less Methanol? I DON'T OK! 

Methyl salicylate - Wikipedia
The Home Scientist: Oil of Wintergreen
We got the brown stuff. I asume we wanted the clear on

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