Friday, 29 May 2020
FIRE! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
In science today, we made COLORED FIRE! So basically we add chemical/atom/ion/things into the fire, and it changed color. Something about electrons and bouncing. Na its when atoms heat up, the elections bounce between shells and produces light. some make red light, some make green light, others make white light. FUN!
Tuesday, 26 May 2020
Fitness tests
In PE, we are looking at fitness, and how fit we are (Spoiler alert, I'm not fit) We had to do some pretests on fit we are before any work. here are my results
ya..... I'm not fit. in the slightest. This is going to be fun......
I want to get better balance, and flexibility. How am I going to do that? I'm not 100% sure right now. I still need to think about that. I may.... do things? I will get back to you on that.
Name of Test
What it measures
Result at home
Results at school
Sit and reach
I couldn’t even reach the ruler, (Very poor)
I still couldn’t reach the ruler.
Very poor
Standing stork
4.09 sec
3.36 sec
(Very poor)
2.00 sec
Sit ups
Muscle endurance
14 (poor)
| 13 |
Vertical jump
21.33 (Below average)
30 m test
6.02 sec
| |
Agility run
| 23.54 |
Beep test
| |
Push ups
ya..... I'm not fit. in the slightest. This is going to be fun......
I want to get better balance, and flexibility. How am I going to do that? I'm not 100% sure right now. I still need to think about that. I may.... do things? I will get back to you on that.
Monday, 25 May 2020
Creative writing thingy for social studies.
In social studies we have to write a story/diary entries type thing of someone migrating from England to New Zealand. Here is my one, of a young lady (Early 20s) coming to the wonderful land of NEW ZEALAND!!
Dear Diary
Goodness that makes me sound like a teenage girl. Anyway, Work was like it always is. Hard, tiring, and boring. We got a new worker today, little Emmie. She is way too young to be in this type of work. Boss just doesn’t care. I took her under my wing, and I think she appreciated it. I know I would have liked someone to talk to when I first got there. How long have I been working there now? I think it's something like 15 years. A long time anyway. Ced provided dinner tonight. He found some decent food today on his way home. We had stew, with the scraps from last night. Right now, he is trying to get his children into bed. I’m lucky they let me stay with them. His wife, Meredith, Is like a mother to me. It’s mother's death day in a week. I just hope to be able to see her. Ced is telling Meredith about a poster he saw. Apparently it is about a new life in a distant land. There are better working conditions, better living conditions, Better everything. However it cost 15 pounds per person. Mother left me some money, however she told me to only use it in dire cermations. Would she be proud? If I left?
Dear Diary
Ceds little girl, Kath caught something and is in bed sick. I volunteered to look after her until she got better, but Meredith wouldn’t let me. I saw the poster yesterday, I think I may go for it. You need to pay extra to go into the cabins, but I don’t have that kind of money. Meredith said she would pay if I wanted. I quickly turned her down though. They need the money more than I do. I Just need to pay for the ticket, leave my job and pack. That's not hard. I will miss Ced, Meredith, Kath and Bill, but I can’t stay here anymore. The more I think about the better it seems. Clean air, less diseases, better living conditions. What do you think? That's a weird thing to say. Asking a book on their opinion. Oh well. That's just me I guess. Weird. Crazy. Unusual.
Dear Diary
I Have the ticket! I also have quit my job. My boss wasn’t happy. Even after I explained why, he still yelled at me. Saying that Here in england life was fine, Perfect even. For him maybe. He doesn't have to live in the slumps. I do. He may not be at as big of a risk of disease, but I am. I want to leave, I have to leave, I can't stay any longer. Meredith helped me pack my things. The boat is due to leave tomorrow. I should probably get some sleep now. I hope I make friends in New Zealand.
Dear Ced, Meredith, Bill and Kath
I know I won’t be able to send this to you, but I need to write to you. We left port this morning, so sorry if my handwriting is sloppy. Most of the unmarried women have been crying, something about missing family or something of the sort. I don’t see the issue. Yes I miss you, but that's no reason to cry. I’ve spent most of my time on deck, watching the waves. Some men have come up to me, but I made it clear I was not interested. I know I need a husband. I know I have to stop being so ‘picky’ and just choose one, but I don’t like any of them. Meredith, how did you know Ced was the one? The food, is okay. It is mainly salted meat and potatoes, but better than back home. I guess I should head to bed. I’m writing this by a lantern light. Good night
Dear diary
Not much has happened. I have felt sea sick a couple of times, but haven't thrown up yet. Men keep flirting with me, and I keep turning them down. I will amitte, there is A man, William Conwall, who I may fancy. I am not saying anything though. He is one of the only decent men. He talks to me like I am an equal, a person, not an object. All the unmarried women on the ship are jealous of me. They’ve made that clear. Young Mary seems to be the only one willing to talk to me. She says that they don’t like all the attention I’m getting. Well neither do I. William overheard us talking, and told us that the men had made it a challenge, one he made very clear he was not a part of. It was to see who could whoo me. Honestly I wasn’t surprised. Other than when I'm talking to William and Mary, I am usually watching the waves, people watching, or making up stories in my head. I know it's a bad habit, especially when I start mouthing the words. Mary told me it looks like I'm a witch muttering spells or like I'm a psycho, especially when I make weird facial expressions as well. I am now very careful when I find myself making stories.
Dear Ced, Meredith, Bill, Kath
Hello. How are you going without me? I hope you're well. I have made two friends , Mary Merywather and William Conwall. Before you ask, no, I do not have feelings for Will. You know how I said that some men were talking to me? Well it was more like flirting with me, well Will said that they had made it a challenge, to see who could whoo the unwhooable young lady. No one has succeeded. The other ladies are jealous of me, of all the male attention I’m getting. Well I don’t like it either. I should end this here. A storm is due to hit us, and last time everything got soaked. I’m just hoping I can keep this dry.
I miss you
Dear Diary.
We passed a ship going back to England today. I gave them my letters to the family. I was lucky and wasn’t soaked this time. I’m in a middle bunk (They are in groups of three) so I’m off the floor, and covered from the roof. I wrapped the letters in my clothes and made sure my trunk was closed tightly, so they wouldn’t get wet. Lucky it worked. Many of the people in the steerage have caught something, either Scarlet Fever or Measles. I haven’t yet. Will asked what I planned on doing when I got to New Zealand. I said become a teacher, because that's one of the only things a Woman can do apparently. Will nodded and said he would like to be a farmer, something he did as a child before he was forced into the factories. I have taken up drawing as a way to pass the time. It is quite calming, kids laughing, the booming laughter from one end of the ship, quiet conversations, the rock of the ship, going up and down on the waves, the sound of the waves hitting the hul. It's nice.
Dear Diary
Nothing has happened of any importance since the last time I wrote. I have continued to draw, talk to Will and Mary etc. It seems that Mary is finding more and more excuses not to talk with us though, so it's mainly just me and will talking. There are some very sick people, but no-one has died yet. All in all it has been kinda boring. We are due to dock this month or next.
Dear Diary
Land was spotted late this afternoon. We should be arriving by Tuesday.
Dear Diary
We landed today. It feels so weird for the ground under my feet not to move. Mary’s Aunt, who came on a different trip, met her at the dock. Mary introduced Will and me to her as ‘partners.’ We very quickly corrected her, saying we where just friends, to which she responded with ‘for now’ She has been teasing us since May. Her aunt thankfully dropped the subject, changing it to where we would be staying. I told her I planned to stay at a hotel, till I can get my own house. She Very quickly said that I would stay with them, as the hotels were not the best. She wouldn't take no for an answer. She also extended this offer to Will, though he said his friend had already offered him a spot on his farm. It will be weird not seeing Will everyday, but Mary’s Aunt said she would take me to see him whenever I wanted. Will also promised to visit when he could.
Dear Diary.
I have a Job! I got it at the primary school twenty minutes from the house. I will be more of a teacher aid until I get more experience. Will took me out to a celebratory dinner when we Found out. Mary made me dress up fancy for it. I kept telling her that it was just two friends going out to celebrate one getting a job, not a date. She didn’t believe me.
Dear Diary
As much as I hate to admit it, Will and I got together yesterday. Mary spent the next seven minutes after I told her, saying ‘I told you so’. So childish. I wrote to Ced, Meredith and the kids yesterday as well. Basically telling them that we got together, and asking how they are going. One of the kids at school gave me a flower I had never seen today. I searched it up and it turned out to be a Hebe Flower. It was a pinky color, and I put it on my desk.
Dear Diary
I got promoted to head of English today. I’m looking forward to seeing where that takes me. Will took me on a date last night as well. We went to the beach, and talked about the trip here, what we would be doing if we hadn’t got on that ship. If we weren't on the same boat. Will was anamit that we would still end up together, it would just be a harder/longer journey. I laughed at his poetic words. I will forever deine I said this, but I’m glad I met him. I’m glad he was the one man who saw me as a person. The one I chose to love.
Sorry about the chessey ending, I didn't know how to end it. But anywho, hope you liked it. 😊
creative writing,
diary entries,
New Zealand,
social studies
Friday, 22 May 2020
Oil of wintergreen.
In science yesterday, we attempted to make Oil of wintergreen. Key word attempted. We failed. Something went wrong, and instead of white crystals, we got a brown liquid.
To start with, we added 5 ml of methanol in to a boiling tube, and added 1 ml of salicylic acid. We heated 250ish ml of water over a bunsen burner, until it was 70ish degrees. We added 3 drops of Sulfuric acid before putting the boiling tube in to the water. We let the Methanol boil off, and we got a brown liquid, not the crystals we wanted.
What could we change next time? I have no idea. I am no scientist. but... we could have less Methanol? I DON'T OK!

We got the brown stuff. I asume we wanted the clear on
To start with, we added 5 ml of methanol in to a boiling tube, and added 1 ml of salicylic acid. We heated 250ish ml of water over a bunsen burner, until it was 70ish degrees. We added 3 drops of Sulfuric acid before putting the boiling tube in to the water. We let the Methanol boil off, and we got a brown liquid, not the crystals we wanted.
What could we change next time? I have no idea. I am no scientist. but... we could have less Methanol? I DON'T OK!
We got the brown stuff. I asume we wanted the clear on
failed experiments,
Oil of Wintergreen,
Lockdown relfection
We are out of lockdown, Yay, but we now have to reflect on our 'lockdown schooling,' not yay. soo, here we go.
What did I like about learning from home? I liked the fact that I could get up and move when I wanted, I could make tea, get snacks, etc. I also liked the fact that I could do what I wanted when I wanted, Like 'ok now I'ma do maths, now lets do english,' that sought of thing. I also liked the fact I finished earlier,
What did I not like about learning from home? I didn't like not having the teacher there if I needed help, not having my friends around, not going anywhere, (not having to leave the house for school)
What do I like about learning from school? I like having my friends around, being told what to do when to do it (I know this contradicts what I said for what I liked about learning from home, but I do like being told do english, do science. Yes I'm weird.)
What don't I like about Learning from school? Social interaction. Having to deal with annoying people. PE. Just PE. (I like certain things about it but, physical exercise, not for me thank you.)
What did I like about learning from home? I liked the fact that I could get up and move when I wanted, I could make tea, get snacks, etc. I also liked the fact that I could do what I wanted when I wanted, Like 'ok now I'ma do maths, now lets do english,' that sought of thing. I also liked the fact I finished earlier,
What did I not like about learning from home? I didn't like not having the teacher there if I needed help, not having my friends around, not going anywhere, (not having to leave the house for school)
What do I like about learning from school? I like having my friends around, being told what to do when to do it (I know this contradicts what I said for what I liked about learning from home, but I do like being told do english, do science. Yes I'm weird.)
What don't I like about Learning from school? Social interaction. Having to deal with annoying people. PE. Just PE. (I like certain things about it but, physical exercise, not for me thank you.)
When I am in class, what percentage of the time am I truly engaged? (Paying attention/actively learning) I would say most of the time, though sometimes I can be quite unengaged. so I will say, 75% of the time. =)
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Return to PE
We are back at school!
For PE at the moment we have to answer 3 questions, so here are my answers
How are you feeling about being back? - I am feeling fine.
What are some things that you did for exercise/activity for lockdown? - I walked around the block with my family, sometimes longer, 2-5 kms a day.
Any work for PE completed? Why? Why not? Yes, because I had to.
How are you feeling about being back? - I am feeling fine.
What are some things that you did for exercise/activity for lockdown? - I walked around the block with my family, sometimes longer, 2-5 kms a day.
Any work for PE completed? Why? Why not? Yes, because I had to.
Friday, 8 May 2020
British migration to New Zealand.
In social studies we are looking at migration. one of the things we are looking at is the british migration to New Zealand. these are the questions we had to answer.
Page 1: Where did many choose to go instead of NZ and why? - North America, it was a shorter, cheaper passage across the Atlantic.
Page 2: How would people feel on the day they left? Sad, lonely Drearry, and unhappy
Page 2: What did they do for entertainment and distraction? Looking at the wild life, if you where in the higher calpra of people you would have books, cards and other things to pass the time.
Page 3: Describe the conditions in steerage. Poor. “Writing of the conditions in steerage, one cabin passenger commented, ‘Poor creatures, it is a horrible place between decks, so many people in such a small space, I wonder how they live’. Steerage passengers slept in tiers of bunks. They were provided with mattresses, but not bedding. Bunk space was cramped, and tables and forms occupied the spaces between tiers.”
Page 4: What were some of the issues people faced in storms, with food and hygiene? In storms, some beds were constantly wet, some people half-drowned in their bed. Food was tossed overboard even when it was still edible. Men were hosed down, and were allowed to go swimming, women were not given this privilege. Fresh water was also hard to get ahold of
Page 5: What were some of the sicknesses you got on board? Measles and scarlet fever.
Page 1: Where did many choose to go instead of NZ and why? - North America, it was a shorter, cheaper passage across the Atlantic.
Page 2: How would people feel on the day they left? Sad, lonely Drearry, and unhappy
Page 2: What did they do for entertainment and distraction? Looking at the wild life, if you where in the higher calpra of people you would have books, cards and other things to pass the time.
Page 3: Describe the conditions in steerage. Poor. “Writing of the conditions in steerage, one cabin passenger commented, ‘Poor creatures, it is a horrible place between decks, so many people in such a small space, I wonder how they live’. Steerage passengers slept in tiers of bunks. They were provided with mattresses, but not bedding. Bunk space was cramped, and tables and forms occupied the spaces between tiers.”
Page 4: What were some of the issues people faced in storms, with food and hygiene? In storms, some beds were constantly wet, some people half-drowned in their bed. Food was tossed overboard even when it was still edible. Men were hosed down, and were allowed to go swimming, women were not given this privilege. Fresh water was also hard to get ahold of
Page 5: What were some of the sicknesses you got on board? Measles and scarlet fever.
Article we read.
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
My finished story
In English we have been looking at Creative writing. We had to write a story, and here is mine. It is an Avengers/Voltron crossover, and is basically a fan-fiction of a fan-fiction. My sister, Rosa in year 12, wrote a story called Spider twins (You can read it here) I have used her characters (With permission of course) and here is the finished result.
Oak and Leo Barker have had to look after their younger sister Lilly since she was born. Their mother had died shortly after Lilly had been born, and their father had locked himself in his room out of pure grief, beating anyone who came in. He later dies of a broken heart. One day a man comes to the door, asking about bills. When he asks about their parents, five year old Lilly shows him their graves in the backyard. The man end up calling Child services, who come and take them to Mrs Colson’s Home For All Ages, and they move there. All is good, they have a home, a kinda family. End of story, right? well it would be if they weren't kidnapped on the way home from school one day.
Chapter 1
Oak Barker looked at the growing pile of bills. He sighed. His little sister Lilly came in.
“What ‘ou doing?” She asked. He grimaced.
“Bills,” was all he said. Lilly made a noise of understanding. Money was tight at the moment, they were trying to stretch it as far as they could.
Their mother had died shortly after Lilly was born, and their grieving father had locked himself in his room, leaving ten year old Oak and his twin brother Leo to look after their baby sister. Now, five years later, the money was running out. It was made worse with the passing of their father a few weeks ago, as they had to buy a gravestone, and those did not go cheap. A knock was heard.
“I get it! I get it!” Lilly shouted running down the hall.
“Careful!” Oak called after her. She came back around a minute later.
“Someone wants to talk with ‘ou” She says. Oak sighed. He knew who it was. He walked to the door, with Lilly following him. A man was standing at the door. He frowned when he saw Oak.
“Good evening sir. What may I help you with?” Oak asked politely
“Are your parents home? I need to speak with them.” The man asked. His tone indicated that he had asked Lilly the same question.
“I’m sorry sir. Um, They aren’t here at the moment-” He was interrupted by Lilly
“Yes they are! I saw them yesterday.” She looked up at the man, “Come on! I’ll show you!” She said grabbing the man’s hand and dragging him to the back door.
“LILLY!” Oak yelled. He dragged a hand down his face. This is what he was worried about, people finding out that they are here alone. People making them leave. He hurriedly followed her, and saw her showing, quite proudly, their parents gravestones. The man looked slightly disturbed at the fact that he was looking at grave stones. Leo, stepped out beside Oak,
“What’s going on?” He asked. Oak sighed,
“This man is probably here about the bills, and he asked where Mother and Father were, soo, um, Lilly showed him their graves.” Leo nodded. The man came over
“Excuse me boys, but if both your parents are dead, who is looking after you?” He asked looking at us.
“You're looking at them, sir.” Leo said. Oak jabbed him in the ribs. The man looked concerned.
“Right I see, Um wait here a moment, I ah, need to make a call.” He went back inside and the twins walked over to their sister. Lilly looked up at the twins.
“Heya!” She waved. “Where the funny man go?” She asked
“He had to call someone. How’s Mother and Father?” Leo asked, sitting down next to her.
“Good, The fowers are growin’. Mama has the lilies, Like me! And Papa has the Roses.” Lilly grinned proudly. She was the one to come up with the idea of planting the flowers. She was also the one who insisted on watering them (And herself). The man came back outside and came over to Them.
“I have called child services. They should be coming soon. I am to stay here with you until they arrive.” He said. Oak froze. He didn’t want to have to go to a ‘Home’. He wanted to stay here. He didn’t want to leave. He has lived here all his life. This was home.
Chapter 2
They waited for a couple minutes before the social worker turned up. By then, Lilly had thoroughly annoyed the man who was with them. She dragged him to do something then after a very short amount of time, decided she no longer wanted to do that, so dragged him off to do another thing, much to the enjoyment of her brothers. Lilly was currently in the sandpit with the Man when the doorbell rang. The Man leapt up as quick as lighting and almost ran to the door. The twins fell over laughing. Lilly looked very proud of herself.
“Did I do good?” She asked
“Yes” Oak started
“You” Leo continued
“DID!” They finished together, They reached over and started tickling her, she screamed and tried to fight them off. Leo sat on top of her gently and pinned her down as Oak tickled her. She wiggled and squirmed trying to get free. Leo all of a sudden grabbed Lilly around the waist and picked her up before running off.
“EKK! LEO!” Lilly squealed. “OAK! HELP!” Oak laughed and shook his head. “YOU POO!” Someone laughed and they all stopped. A lady with red hair stood next to the man. Her tanned skin made him look very pale. The Man looked at the children.
“This is Ms Chase. She is the social worker I called.” He said gesturing to her. Lilly smiled.
“ ‘ello, you're very Pretty” She said. Ms Chase Smiled
“Thank you dear. Well then, shall we get started?”
Around two hours later they had everything sorted. Ms Chase had arranged for them to go to Mrs Colson’s Home For All Ages, and they had all packed up. Ms Chase had assured Lilly that the flowers would be watered. They all got into Ms Chase’s car, and headed to the home. When they got there, another lady was waiting on the steps. Lily looked at her,
“You're not as pretty,” she commented. The lady smiled good naturedly,
“I agree with you little one, I still wonder how a beauty like her married an ugly old hag like myself” she replied. It took awhile for it to sink in before,
“YOU’RE MARRIED!” The lady laughed and nodded.
“Anyway, come in, I have your room all set up, Lilly, you are in a room with Emma, and you boys are in a room together. Your rooms are next to each other, dinner is at 6:00, don’t be late, bedtime is 7:00 for 4-9 year olds and 7:30 for 10-16 year olds. Breakfast is from 7:00am to 8:00, lunch is usually around 12:30ish.
Punishments are usually time outs, but can range from just getting told off, to, if you are young enough, a smack, but if you are too old for that, you will have to do more chores than normal.
Chores are posted on the board in the playroom/living room on Monday morning, you must do your chore/s and have them crossed off by Sunday morning. I think that's it. I will let you get settled.” She opened two doors they had stopped in front of. A girl looked up as She did so. “Ah Emma there you are. This is your new room mate Lilly Barker. I will let you two get to know each other.” Lilly walked into the room. She waved to the twins before Ms Chase shut the door. Lilly put her bag on the unoccupied bed. Emma came up to her.
“Hi! My name is Emma Waters. I’m sorry about your parents. Or whoever was looking after you.” Lilly smiled
“Hi! My Mama died just after I was born apparently, and Papa died a few weeks ago. Now they are in the garden! But we had to leave them. But my Brothers have been looking after me my whole life.” The girls talked some more, getting to know each other better, becoming fast friends.
Chapter 3
A couple of months passed and soon it was Lilly’s sixth birthday. She ran to her brother's room and flung open the door. She climbed on top of Oak and started to shake him.
“OAK WAKE UP!” She shouted in his ear. He groaned and pulled her down beside him.
“Five more minutes,” He muttered, hugging her close. She tried to squirm away, but unknown to her, Leo was creeping around the room setting up the room with streamers and balloons. He also ushered some of her friends into the room, signalling them to stay quiet. When everything had been set up, Leo came over.
“Good morning Oak. Oh ‘ello Lilly. What are you doing here?” He smirked. Lilly, still squirming, looked at Leo
“Help me! Oak won’t let me go. It's my Birthday! I want up!” Leo smiled
“Well then, I think I should say a big-” Oak let go just as everyone in the room shouted
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILLY!” Lilly looked shocked to say the least. She looked around the room and at her friends. She smiled. This was going to be the best birthday ever!
Lilly was sitting with her brothers in their room talking after a long, fun filled day. They were surrounded in food and gifts Lilly reached for some chips that were just out of reach. She glared at the chips and reached again. The chip bowl wobbled a bit before flying into her hand. She looked at it shocked before setting it down. She looked up at her brothers before looking at her hand. Oak stared at her then slowly looked at his twin. Leo shrugged before looking back at Lilly. She looked horrified, surprised, confused, and intrigued. Leo gently grabbed her hands.
“Lilly, look at me.” Lilly slowly looked up,
“Am I a freak?” She whispered. Both Leo and Oak froze.
“Oh, sweety no. No you are not a freak” Oak said softly “Leo and I can do things too.” Lilly looked at him.
“Can you move things without touching them?” She asked hopefully. Oak sighed
“Well no. But,” He added quickly, “we can do other things. I can do things with nature, like…,” He picked up a seed, “Watch.” Lilly gasped as the seed began to sprout.
“Wow!” she whispered. She turned to Leo. “What can you do?” She asked. Leo let go of her hands,
“This” He said, catching his hands on fire. He then turned it into the silhouette of a dog. The dog bounded over to Lilly before sitting in front of her. Lilly looked up at Leo,
“Can I touch it?” She asked. He nodded and she reached forward. She patted the dog softly. She giggled, “It tickles. And it's warm” The boys laughed.
“Lilly.” Oak said , getting the attention of the giggling six year old, “You have to keep this a secret. No-one can know of this. Not even Emma. Not even Mrs Colson. You are not to tell anyone. Promise me that. Please Promise me, you won’t tell anyone.” Lilly saw how serious He was being.
“I promise Oak. I won’t tell a soul.”
Chapter 4
Over the course of the next couple of months Oak and Leo helped Lilly with her powers, she could now float things, move things to a distance of five meters, and read minds, this one she found out by accident.
She was training and Leo had an unfocused look in his eye. She looked at Leo and imationed going into his mind and reading his mind. All of a sudden she heard him speak in her head. She jumped and lost concentration. His voice left her mind. Oak looked over
“Are you alright?” He asked. Lilly shook her head.”What's wrong?” She pointed to Leo with a shaking finger. “Leo? He is just daydreaming.” Lilly shook her head again and tried to force the words out.
“I-I-I read h-h-his m-m-mind!” She exclaimed. Oak looked Shocked
“You did what?” He looked at his brother. “Leo, LEO!” Leo looked up
“Yo?” Oak smiled and shook his head.
“Lilly can read minds.” Oak said quietly. Leo looked as shocked as Oak was. He leaned over and gave Lilly a big hug.
“Wow! That's awesome!” Lilly looked hopeful.
“Really?” Leo nodded.
Yup, now we have another to practice. You’re getting to be more powerful than us!” Oak shook his head,
“Don’t say that Leo” Leo frowned
“But it's true! And, It Mcshizzle to you Mister.” Lilly laughed. It was ok.
They were walking home one day when a white van pulled up in front of them. All the back windows had been painted over, and it had no license plate. Oak moved to be beside the road, with Lilly in the middle of him and Leo. The door opened as they drew closer. Three men stepped out, and came toward them.
“Leo” Oak whispered out the corner of his mouth, “When I say run, take Lilly and run. Run and don’t look back.” Leo shook his head slightly
“I’m not leaving you.” He muttered.
“You have no choice.” Oak muttered back. The men were in front of them now.
“ ‘ello ‘ello ‘ello. What ‘ave we got ‘ere then? Three little kiddies on their way ‘ome from school ay? Not for much longer. You’re comin’ with us” the man in the middle said cockney accent.
“Leo…” Oak started.
“Oh no ya don’t you brat.” The one on the left grabbed Leo. He ripped Lilly from Leo’s grip and passed him to the man in the middle.
“GET YOU HANDS OFF MY SISTER!” Oak roared. The weeds in the cracks of the pavement started to wrap around the men’s feet. The man on the right, quickly broke his bounds and lunged at Oak. The man knocked him out and shoved him in the back of the van.
“OAK!” Lilly screamed, “LEO! HELP!” Leo looked over from where he was fighting his man, and saw Lilly get knocked out and shoved in the back as well. The man he was fighting saw he was distracted and knocked him out as well. The men hopped back into the van and, just for safety, pressed a rag doused in a sedative. They knocked on the wall separating them from the front and they started moving. Leaving no evidence that a fight had ever happened.
Chapter 5
Lilly was the first one to wake. She sat up and looked around. They were in a cold dark damp room. Oak and Leo looked like they had just been tossed in, while she was put on a metal bed. It was uncomfortable. She whimpered softly.
“Leo? O-o-oak?” She tried to reach them, but her limbs were feeling heavy, and they were too far away. Tears stung in her eyes. She shivered. She was cold and scared. She wanted her brothers. She wanted to be assured that everything was all right.
A groan caught her attention. She saw Oak sitting up.
“Oak!” She exclaimed. Oak rushed over, checking her over.
“Lilly! Are you ok? Are you hurt at all?” He asked. Lilly threw herself at him. She snuggled closer. “Lilly?” Oak said slowly “What's wrong?”
“I w-w-was so s-s-scared. You and Leo weren't m-m-moving and I-I-I thought you had d-d-died.” Oak mentaly slapped himself. Of Course she had been scared. She woke up in an unfamiliar situation and her brothers were unconscious.
“It’s ok. We’re here-” a groan interrupted him.
“Did anyone get the number plate of the truck?” Leo groaned out. Lilly laughed slightly.
“See? We are fine. We are all here, we will get through this.” Oak beckoned Leo over. They sat there, with Lilly squished in between the twins, for a while. It ended all too soon with the door opening.
A man walked in and ripped Lilly from the boys.
“HEY!” Leo yelled, jumping up.. Lilly squirmed, trying to get free. The man pulled out a gun.
“You stay there. Or I will shoot. I just need this- OW! YOU BI**H!” He yelled as Lilly bit him. He stormed out, with Lilly still firm in his grip.
“LEO! OAK! HEL-” Her cries were cut off by the door closing.
Lilly was half carried half dragged down a hall and into a room full of medical equipment. She was strapped on the chair in the center of the room. A tall, slightly handsome, man walked up to her.
“Hello darling. How are you? My name is Zakaria Thornton, however you will only address me as Sir.” He asked. While his tone was kind, his eyes said otherwise. Lilly kept her mouth shut. “Not very talkative are you darling. That's good.” He got a syringe fill of a blue liquid. Lilly shied away from the needle. “Don’t worry Darling, this won’t hurt. Much.” He jammed it into her arm. He slowly injected it into her arm. Lilly screamed. It felt like liquid fire. Tears poured down her face. After what felt like hours the burning stopped. Her brian felt fuzzy, like it had been filled with cotton balls.
“Now. listen well, as I will only say this once. You. Are. A. Freak. You will only answer to Freak, and child. Nothing else. Do you understand?” Zakaria’s tone was still the sweet kind tone, but his eyes were hard
“I-i-i’m not a f-f-freak.” Lilly whispered.
“What was that?” Zakaria’s tone instantly hardened.
“I’M NOT A FREAK!” Lilly yelled. Her head snapped to the side as Zakaria slapped her.
“Do not use that tone with me young lady. You are a freak. And you know what we do to bad little freaks like you?” He gestured to a man standing off the side. The man walked over and handed Zakaria a knife.
“N-n-no.” Lilly shook her head. She didn’t like the look in his eyes. She regretted yelling as soon as she had. She screamed as the blade sliced at her leg. “P-p-please” She whimpered. Zakaria looked at her.
“Please what?” He asked, slicing her leg again. Lilly screamed.
“P-p-please s-s-stop.” Lilly whimpered, Zakaria Laughed.
“You’re a freak of nature, you deserve this. You should not be alive. You are the reason your parents are dead. If you were never born they would still be alive. I’m just making you feel the pain your father went through. However, if you behave, you may be spared for a day or two.” Zakaria looked at Lilly’s tear streaked face. “Do we understand each other?” Lilly quickly nodded. “Good”
Leo fell back down as the door shut. Oak lay a hand on his shoulder
“She will be ok.” Oak said, trying to convince Leo, and himself.
“You don't know that.” Leo muttered. Oak sighed. Leo was right. He didn’t. He didn’t know if they would see her again. But he had to try to be positive.
“True, but keep a positive mind set-” He was cut off by a faint yell. Leo jumped up.
“That was Lilly! Something has happened, you can’t tell me-” He was also cut off, this time by a scream. He froze. “Lilly” Leo whispered. Oak frowned. This shouldn’t be happening. They where supposed to go home and Lilly would run off and play with Jeramy Heere, her best friend. Leo and Oak would start on homework, and then their chores. They would help Ms Chase with the dinner, and then help Lilly with her homework after dinner had been finished. Mother's day is coming up, so they were planning gifts and an easy day for Mrs Colson and Ms Chase. Lilly had gotten comfortable enough with them to call them mum’s. Oak put his head in his hands. He felt tears spring to his eyes, but he forced them down. He had to stay strong, for Lilly, for Leo, for himself. If he started having a pity party, then Leo would see that he had given up hope, and give up himself. And if both of them gave up, then so would Lilly, they would slowly do exactly what they wanted, turning into emotionless robots. And then when time for rescue came, they would stay that way, they would never be happy, they would always follow instructions with little to no questions. He hadn’t realised he was having a panic attack till he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“-ak Oak? Can you hear me?” Leo asked softly. Oak nodded. “Right. Can you please say five things you can see?” Oak laughed shellowly
“N-n-not much is here.” Leo laughed as well.
“Just tell me.”
“Um I can see, y-y-you, um, my legs, the walls, the b-b-bed, and t-t-the door.”
“Good, now four things you can feel.”
“Um, your hand, the c-c-cold, the concept floor, my t-t-tears.”
“Great now three things you can hear?”
“Ah, my heart, m-m-my voice, and um, I d-d-don’t know sorry.”
“It’s ok. Now two things you can smell.”
“The musty air, and um, your cologne.” Leo laughed
“Ok now one thing you can taste.”
“Um, Blood?” Leo smiled
“You okay?” Oak nodded
“Ya thanks.” Oak wiped his tears “Sorry.” Leo shook his head
“Don’t be. It's fine. We are in a bad situation, it is natural to panic. We don’t know what's going to happen and humans need a sense of normality in their lives to keep them sane. Ours just got ripped away, it is normal to be uneasy.” Oak smiled
“Thanks Mcshizzle.” Leo laughed
“HA! You finally remember! Thank you.” The boys laughed. Things may not be perfect, but they still could joke. The door opened revealing a man with a limp body. He threw the body into the cell and left, slamming the door.
“LILLY!” They boys yelled and ran over to their sister. They stopped short as they saw what had happened. Her face was a ghostly white, and her legs looked like they had been mauled by a wild animal, blood still trickling out. Oak took off his shirt, gesturing for Leo to do the same. He ripped the shirt into stripes. Leo cought on and started doing the same with his. They started to wrap her legs, trying to stop the flow of blood. After they did all they could, Oak gently picked her up and lay her on the bed. He sat next to Leo. His head drooped. Having a panic attack and then having to tend to his sister, left him drained.
“Sleep. I will keep watch. Don’t worry.” Leo whispered. Oak smiled. He didn’t need to be told twice, he lay his head on Loes shoulder and fell right asleep.
Chapter 6
Months passed, and they were all on the brink of death. Did anyone care? Of course not. Their days went like this,
Wake up at 6:00
Go into the med room
Get tested on
Get punished for something they did (Or didn’t do)
Go to ‘bed’
Do it all again tomorrow.
Lilly stopped talking at all after a month. They would be fed around once a week. Of course it was only enough to stop them from dying, not a scrap more. Oak would often give Lilly his scrap, and starve himself. Leo often told him to stop, and Oak’s reply was always the same.
“She needs more than I do.”
One day they were in the middle of being tested on, when an alarm went off. Men started shouting and running around. In the midst of the chaos they were all thrown back into their cell. Oak crawled over to Lilly wincing as he put weight on his broken wrist. He gathered her in a hug, as Leo lit a small fire. He was too weak to make one any bigger. They gathered in the corner that gave them the most cover, and waited. Yells and gunshots filled the air around them. It slowly faded till there was not a sound. They all relaxed a little. The intruders had been taken care of. The children listened as all the doors where opened. Oak frowned.
“That’s not normal” He whispered to Leo. Leo nodded and put out the fire. They waited in silence. Their door opened and a man with a metal arm stood there. He glanced around the room and spotted the children huddled in the corner. He walked over slowly, like you would a wounded animal.
“Hello. My name is Bucky, We’re here to rescue you.” He knelt down in front of them and held his hand out, letting them come to him at their own pace. He made sure to hold out his human hand, as not to frighten them further. Oak looked at Leo and back to the man. He looked different to the men that tested them. The men that told them the same thing, only to punish them when they went to them.
They were tending to wounds when a man opened the door.
“My name is Kipper. I’m here to get you out of here, come on. The element of surprise won’t last much longer.” He said. Lilly jumped up and ran to him, as fast as she could, Oak and Leo sighed in relief and got up too. They followed the man down the halls, only to find that Kipper had led them to an experiment room. They looked at Kipper, confused. The truth dawned on them. They had been tricked. It had been a test, and they had failed.
Flashback end
Oak shook his head.
“We’re not falling for that again.” He growled. Bucky frowned,
“I’m not lying. My team and I here to rescue you.” Bucky said softly. He knew what they were thinking. Hydra had done the same to him. Oak shook his head again.
“I SAID NO!” He looked shocked that he had yelled, and covered his mouth, bracing himself to be hit. Bucky sighed
“I promise I will not hurt you in any way, shape or form.” Lilly looked at the man, claiming to be safe. She looked up at Oak and Leo. She took a deep breath and untangled herself from Oak. She ignored his protests and hobbled over to the man. She looked at his metal arm werally. He smiled softly and slowly took it off, placing it in front of him. She turned to look at her brothers. They had stood up, but other than that they hadn't moved. She pointed to Bucky then shook her fist in a sideways motion, before dragging a finger down her arm, and finishing with pointing to herself and her brother. Bucky cocked his head to one side and looked at the twins.
“She wants you to confirm, truthfully, that you will not hurt us.” Oak translated. Lilly nodded in agreement. Bucky nodded
“I promise. I will not hurt you. Nor will anyone on my team.” Lilly nodded and walked slowly toward him. She gestured for the twins to follow. Leo looked at Oak and shugged
“Why not? What's the worst they could do? Make us like the winter soldier, the only person that successfully escaped?” Leo whispered. Oak laughed darkly,
“Ya, and be on the run from Hydra for the rest of our lives.” Leo shrugged again, and walked over to Lilly and picked her up,
“We’ll come with you.” Bucky got up and smiled. Oak picked up his arm.
“What- do you- um?” Oak looked between Bucky and the arm in his hands.
“If it makes you feel better, you can carry it.” Oak nodded and they followed Bucky out. They were cautious about him, but seeing him looking around corners before gesturing them forward worked to relax them a little. Soon they were at an unfamiliar door, Bucky opened it and the children closed their eyes against the glare.
“Bucky! There you are. Why haven’t you been answering your earpiece.” The kids stiffend at the voice. They opened their eyes and saw a blond man in a blue spandex suit with a star in the middle.
“Sorry Stevie, I had to rescue these three.” Bucky explained. The man noticed them and laughed,
“Buck, why does he have your arm?” he asked. Bucky explained what had happened.
“Ok that's nice, can we get going, the bombs gonna blow soon.” A new man said. He looked like a robot, a very shiny red and gold robot. Bucky nodded.
“We will explain on the quinjet.” He led the Barkers into the woods that surrounded them. They reached a plane and saw around, 10 other people. The Barkers avoided eye contact with anyone and sat as far from others as they could. A girl in a light blue and purple spandex suit, with a rainbow on the front and feathers decorating the chest, came over to them.
“Hi, my name is Brie. Can I sit with you?” She asked. Oak nodded and she sat down. “If you don’t mind me asking, what are your names?”
“My name is Oak Barker and this is my twin Leo and our younger sister Lilly. Lilly doesn’t talk so don’t be offended if she doesn’t answer you.” Brie nodded
“That's fine. I understand.” Leo looked sceptical
“How could you understand? Hasn’t your life been all nice and dandy?” He snarled slightly. Lilly jabbed him in the ribs. “Sorry” He whispered. Brie laughed,
“It’s fine. I have actually been kidnapped twice. So I understand the issues that come with it. I have anxiety and PTSD. If you need to talk to someone, I’ll be happy to talk. Or in Lilly's case, communicate with.” Lilly leaned in and gave her a hug. She put her fingers on her chin and brought it out, ending with her palm upwards. Brie looked to Oak for a translation.
“Thank you.” He smiled at her. Brie looked back at the little girl that had gone through so much, at such a young age.
“You're very welcome.”
Chapter 7
The rest of the ride was relatively uneventful. They talked mainly to Brie, about life before Hydra, who the hell these people were. Brie introduced them to her twin, a slightly dorky kid called Peter in a suit like Bries only his was red and blue, and instead of the rainbow, he had a spider, and spider webs decorating the chest. Peter and Leo immediately hit it off, talking about smart people things. Lilly stayed close to Oak, but ‘talked’ to Brie. By the end of the trip, Brie was a fluent Lilly speaker. When they landed a girl around Brie age, ran out to meet them. Brie's face lit up and met her half way. The new girl checked Brie over before bringing her into a kiss. The robot dude (who they learned was called tony) laughed
“Ok Ok, let's keep it PG girls. We have a young audience.” The new girl stuck her tongue out at Tony as everyone, except the Barkers, laughed.
“Who? Peter’s done worse with Wade. And he’s the youngest one- Oh hello,” the girl said, noticing the newcomers “no he’s not, never mind.” She walked over to Oak who has holding Lilly,
“Hello my name is Maddy.” she held a hand out to Oak, who flinched before slowly grasping her hand.
“Oak, and this is my sister Lilly. Leo is over there next to…. Peter. Lilly doesn't talk so don’t be offended if she doesn't respond” Maddy nodded. Lilly pointed to Maddys cat ears with a confused look.
“Oh they are my ears. I have two pairs, do you want to touch them?” Maddy asked softly. Lilly nodded and reached up. She smiled as she pet them. Maddy started purring softly.
“Maddy! I didn’t know you purred!” Peter exclaimed. Maddy froze.
“Uhh. I’m part cat, what did you expect?” Brie hugged her from behind and rested her head on Maddys shoulder,
"Well I think it's cute," she said. Maddy blushed.
“As cute as this all is, I would still like to do some tests on the people we rescued.” A man with shaggy black hair and glasses called Bruce, said stepping forward. Lilly stopped patting Maddy. She shook her head and started shaking. She pointed at Bucky, who had his arm back by now, and made a chopping motion with her hands. She did it multiple more times before collapsing in Oaks arms crying. Everyone looked between the weeping child, and Bucky. Brie over to Lilly, rubbing her back gently,
“You promised something, what was it?” She asked.
“I’ll tell you!” Leo snapped, “He promised that you wouldn’t hurt us! He promised that we would be safe! It's clear now that he lied. Just like everyone.” Leo left Peter’s side and walked over to Oak and Lilly.
“No! You have us wrong, I don’t mean those types of tests, I promise.” Bruce said quickly Lilly looked at him and made the chopping sign again. “Yes I promise.” Lilly pointed to Maddy and Brie. “they can come as well if you wish.” Lilly smiled shyly and looked at them. Brie smiled
“Yes, we will come.” Lilly grinned and turned back to Bucky. She put a fist to her chest and rubbed it in a circle.
“She’s saying sorry.” Brie translated. Bucky smiled.
“It's fine.” Bruce, who was still wanting the tests, asked them to follow him, and led them to the lab. Oak sat on one of the beds, maneuvering Lilly to sit on his lap. Leo sat beside him. Brie and Maddy stood off to the side as Bruce pulled up a chair.
“Um, sorry for the confusion before. My names Bruce Banner. I promise I won’t do anything without your permission. We just need to know the extent of your injuries. We will start with some x-rays, and then, if you don't mind, a blood test, just to check if they did anything to your DNA, And I think that’s it.” They went in turns to have x-rays (which included setting and casting any broken bones), and when it was Lilly’s turn for the blood test, Maddy let her pet her again, to calm her nerves. When the results came in, Bruce’s face paled.
“Ahh… F.R.I.D.A.Y? Can you get Bucky and Tony down here please.” He asked the air
“Of course Doctor Banner. They are on their way.” A scottish voice replied. Lilly looked around to see where her voice came from.
“That's F.R.I.D.A.Y, Tony's AI. She basically runs the place, just ask her any question and she will answer.” Bruce explained. A Knock Interrupted any other questions. “Come in,” Bruce called. Bucky and Tony walked in.
“That's F.R.I.D.A.Y, Tony's AI. She basically runs the place, just ask her any question and she will answer.” Bruce explained. A Knock Interrupted any other questions. “Come in,” Bruce called. Bucky and Tony walked in.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y said you wanted us down here doc. What's up?” Tony asked walking over.
“Can you have a look at this, I thought you two would be the most likely to know what this is.” Bruce said, handing Tony the tablet. Tony looked over the results.
“Can’t believe I’m saying this, but what's tririxofloride and clidrofloride?” Tony asked
“That's the thing, I don’t know. I thought you might recognize them from somewhere.” Bruce explained
“I recognize them,” Brie mentioned. “Burns talked about them, He said he wanted to add them into the thing they injected into me to make it stronger, or something. There is only one place in the world that makes it/stabilizes it, so it is quite expensive. If there is no other odd chemical in their blood, it may be there to strengthen powers they already have, or to prepare their body for further chemicals-”
“How do you know all this?” Maddy asked, interrupting her
“Uh, research.” said Brie avoiding eye contact. “Look, that's not what matters-'' Again she was interrupted.
“Actually Brie” Tony dralled, “ It does matter. I would like to know how you know about this, apparently dangerous chemical” He put his hand on his hips.
“Can this be continued later,” Brie asked weakly “I promise I will tell you, but for now we need to focus on the fact it is in their blood steam, It is unlikely that it is there to prepare them for other chemicals, so it must be to strengthen things they already have.” Tony sighed
“Fine. but you will be explaining this-”
“Um, Excuse me, Can we get going, Lilly’s about to fall asleep” Oak’s voice interrupted Tony. They turned to him, True to what he said, Lilly’s head was dropping and her eyes were half closed. Tony smiled.
“Of course follow me.” He said leading them out of the room and into the elevator. They reached the floor and Tony took them to a room.
“I thought that you would like to have the same room for a while, you know, to assure yourselfs that the others are safe. “ Oak smiled
“Thank you Tony”
“It’s nothing, I’ll let you guys settle in. Oh, Brie told me to warn you, the beds feel like clouds the first couple of nights.” Leo laughed
“Duly noted.”
Chapter 8
The next Morning Oak woke up to find Lilly was not in bed with them. He shook Leo awake.
“Mm, Five more minutes.” He muttered
“Leo!” Oak whisper yelled “Lillys gone!” Leo bolted up
“What! Where is she!? Where are we?” Leo asked, looking around. He relaxed slightly, “Oh that's right, we’re out” He tensed again. “Where's Lilly!”
“Do you think I know? Why would I wake you ,in a panic mind you, if I knew where Lilly was?” Leo shrugged
“I don’t know. Hey what did Doc say yesterday? That we can ask Wednesday if we had a problem? Why don’t we ask her?” Leo suggested.
“Leo you are a genius. Also it's Friday you dummy.” Oak chuckled a little. Leo joined in
“Well, what am I, a genius, or a dummy?” He asked,
“Let's find Lilly first. F.R.I.D.A.Y?” Oak asked looking up
“Yes Mr Oak?” She replied
“Where is our sister?” Oak asked
“She seems to be in Reindeer games room”
“Who’s?” Oak looked at Leo who shrugged.
“Mr Loki’s room. I apologize for the confusion. It is my default name to call him. Boss has interesting nicknames for the inhabitants of the tower.” Leo smirked tiredly,
“Does that mean you could call me Mcshizzle?” He asked.
“Yes Mr Leo it does. Would you like that to be your default?” F.R.I.D.A.Y’s voice somehow held some mirth as she asked.
“Yes please.” Leo laughed. Oak sighed
“Great now that has been sorted out, can we go find Lilly? In case you have forgotten, she is in Loki’s room, you know, Loki, the god of mischief? The guy that tried to take over new york?” Leo nodded.
“I know I know.” he sighed
“I know I know.” he sighed
“If I may,” F.R.I.D.A.Y interdicted, “Reindeer games is here as a punishment for New York. He was also apparently mind controlled. Please do not bring it up or hold a grudge against him. “ Oak nodded.
“Very well then, but we still need to go. I still don’t 100% trust Loki” They made their way to Loki's room, knocking quitely.
“Come in. “ Oak opened the door and saw Lilly curled up to Loki's side, while Loki was reading a book. “If you wake her up….” Loki left the treat dangling.
“No sir, we wouldn’t.” Leo hurriedly said, “We had just woken up and she wasn’t with us, so naturally we were worried about where she was. But umm, if you don’t mind me asking sir, why is she with you?” Loki sighed
“To be honest with you, I’m not sure. She came into my room in the middle of the night.”
Lilly woke up with a start. She wiggled out of her brother's grasp, while it was nice, it seemed suffocating now. She was still shaken from the nightmare, she could still feel the knife run down her legs, feel the burn of the chemicals in her bloodstream. She wanted Kitty. She silently limped out of the room. The soft lights in the hallway turned on as she made her way towards the door she thought led to Cheese’s room. She quietly opened the door and stopped as an unfamiliar scent wafted over her. Before she could leave, a voice called out
“What do you want, young mortal?” She froze. She pointed to herself, then shook her head and then pretended to sleep. The man sat up.
“You… can’t sleep?” He asked uncurtenly. Lilly shook her head. She drew whiskers on her face using her fingers then shrugged.
“Where’s the cat? Oh Lady Maddy. She had to go home.” The man got up and walked over to Lilly. He held out a hand, “My name is Loki. You are?” Lilly yawned, Loki chuckled “Tired, I see.“ He picked Lilly up, and she snuggled in closer. “Sleep child, you are safe. I will not let any harm come to you.” He lay her down on his bed and lay beside her. He hummed an Asgardian Lullaby softly, before letting himself sleep as well. This child had wrapped themself around his little finger, without saying a word.
Flashback end
Lilly stirred, drawing the attention of the three men in the room. She opened her eyes and noticed she wasn’t in the room she fell asleep in. She looked around a bit before noticing her brothers. She smiled tirly up at them. They smiled back.
“Sleep well?” Leo asked. She nodded. A chuckle drew her attention to the man next to her. She smiled at him and waved.
“Good morning Lady Barker.” Loki smiled.
“Capsicle wants me to inform you that breakfast is ready.” F.R.I.D.A.Y interrupted. Loki nodded. He waved his hand and their clothes all changed to more day appropriate clothes. Lilly looked shocked, looking between her light pink dress and Loki, who was smirking at her fasantion.
“Let's all head down, shell we?” He asked. Oak nodded and picked Lilly up, heading towards the elevator. When everyone was in, It headed down to the kition. They entered the main floor, only to see complete chaos. Clint, with newly dyed pink hair, was chasing Tony, Peter was stuck to the ceiling, and Nat sat at the counter with a cup of coffee, glaring at anyone who came to close. Brie sat in the corner, reading a book. Lilly ran up to Brie and started talking to her. Loki led Oak and Leo over to the counter, giving the tired assassin a wide berth, to where Cap had piled the pancakes. Both Oak and Leo’s eyes widened at the sheer amount of food. Loki laughed,
“With two super soldiers, two gods, a teenager, a teenager with enhanced metabolism, a man that can lititly turn into a giant, and two normilish adults, we go through a lot of food. The captain may have made more than usual as we don’t know how much you need to eat.” He explained helping himself to a plate. Oak and Leo followed his example. They could tell that living here would be very interesting, to say the least.
Chapter 9
The Barkers had now been living at the Tower for around six months. They had grown to trust everyone and had opened up more. Lilly was still to speak, but no-one pushed her. They had their own rooms, next to each other of course, with Lilly in the middle. They went back to school after three months because of Oak's persistent begging. Apparently they needed something to get them back into life, to make the tower feel more like a home, rather than a recovery center. The Avengers caved and enrolled them back into Midtown. Lilly was still in primary, while the twins were old enough for high school. If Lilly wasn’t with her brothers she was either with Brie and/or Maddy, or as she called them Cheese and Kitty, Bucky or Loki. Brie and Maddy had ‘adopted’ Lilly as their unofficial kid. Tony had programmed F.R.I.D.A.Y to be able to understand Lilly, and Clint had also taught her (and, with lots of insisting from Lilly, everyone else) how to use sign language.
Everyone gathered around the Christmas Treeon Christmas Morning, most adults nursing a cup of coffee. Lilly was sitting between Brie and Maddy in a purple lion onesie that Maddy had given her one day. Peter sat next to the tree wearing a santa hat.
‘Can we start?’ Lilly signed.
“Of Course darling. Pete, you want to hand out the gifts?” Natasha asked. Peter nodded and graped an armful of gifts.
He handed them out, pausing as the person opened their gift. After an hour and a half all gifts were open.
Oak’s favourite gifts were, a Book of Interglacial plants he got From Maddy, An Asgardin dagger from Loki, a book of Asgarden stories from Thor, A self defense book from Natasha, a starter bow from Clint, A car and a wad of cash (Around $1000) from Tony, A book on basic first aid from Bruce, And some Sokovia snacks from Wanda.
Leo’s favourite gifts where, a car and a wad of cash (same as Oak) from Tony, A Drawing of a metal dragon with Leo on the back from Brie, Sokovien snacks from wanda, a handgun from Natasha, an asgardian Dagger from Loki, A book of all the great battles of Asgard from Thor, A starter bow from Clint, A tool belt from Peter, and A mini Voltron figurine from Maddy, When Leo had found out that Maddy was from space, he begged her to let him come, needless to say, it was, interesting
“Please Maddy! I will behave.” Leo got down on his knees. “Please,” Maddy laughed.
“Alright. Do you think you should get Lilly and Oak too?” Leo shrugged. But went to get them anyway. Brie also came with them, And Tony made them promise to be back for tea. They walked over to the Portal Peter had made when they had first met Maddy. They walked though, Leo visibly vibrating
“Dude.” Oak laughed holding Lilly, “Are you alright?”
“Space. Machines. Awesome things. I’m perfect.” They walked out into a workshop. A Woman with Light brown hair and big round glasses was sitting at one of the desks, tinkering, but she turned around when she heard the portal actavat. Maddy hurried over.
“Aunt Pidge.” She gave her a hug.
“Hello Maddy,” Pidge laughed. “Your fathers are out ‘training’ But we all know it is just an excuse for some alone time. Hello Brie, How are you?” Brie smiled
“Good thank you Pidge. Um this is Oak, Lilly and the one Vibrating is Leo. Leo wanted to come and see space, so he’s a little excited.” Pidge laughed.
“I can see that. Hunk is-”
“Whats this?” Leo interrupted Pidge turned
“Oh that it's a-” Maddy laughed.
“We should go and find Hunk, they are going to be here for a while.” She led them out to the Kitchen, where a large samoan man was cooking. “Hi Uncle Hunk.” Hunk turned around
“Mads! Just in time, I need someone to test this.” He noticed the others. “Oh Hi. My name's Hunk.”
“Oak. And this is my Sister Lilly, She doesn’t talk. My twin Leo is with Pidge, looking at things” Hunk nodded.
Hunk got them all to test his dish he was making, before allowing them to continue. They met Shrio, the ‘leader’ of the team, Allura, an alien Princess, and Coran, a man with a fabulous mustache. Maddy managed to get Hunk to take them out in his Lion. Just as they were about to leave, Maddy's fathers came back, Keith and Lance, they gave Maddy a hug, and told her to come home tomorrow. They had to drag Leo away from all the machines, Pidge having to promise he could come back whenever he wanted. She also extended this to Oak and Lilly as well. All in all it was a fun trip.
Flashback end
Lilly’s favourite gifts were A painting of Roses and Lilies from Brie, A bucky bear from Oak, A box of chocolate from Leo, Another Lion Onesie from Maddy (this one yello, after Hunks lion) , A Book on All the different types of cats from Steve, And a dagger from Loki, which was very quickly taken off her for ‘safe keeping.’
After everyone had opened their gifts Bucky cleared his throat.
“I actually have one more gift for Oak, Leo and Lilly collectively.” He handed them a box. They tore into it, finding a piece of paper at the bottom. Oak and Leo looked at Bucky in confusion, who smiled and nodded. “Look at it.” Lilly picked it up and Leo and Oak went to either side of her.
“Read it out loud.” Tony edged.
“This is to certify that O-O-Oak, L-L-Leo a-and L-Lilly Barker Had been Formally a-a-adopted by Bucky Barnes.” Oak Looked at him, tears running down his face, “Really?” Bucky nodded
“Really.” Oak jumped up and hugged him, Leo and Lilly not far behind. “THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!” Everyone clapped. When everything calmed down, Lilly looked at Bucky,
“Thank you Daddy.” She whispered.
creative writing,
English 2020,
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