
Friday 16 March 2018

mega air

yesterday me and 15-16 other chosen children all though the school went to Mega Air. the teacher aids/helpers won a class trip to mega air, so they all picked some kid that they think deserve to go. I was so excited when I got told as I had never been to mega air. so when the day came I was unable to sit still, well I had to I was in school, but you know what I mean. we left at about 11:40 and came back at 1:20 lunch we had spent about 2 hours! any way we got out of class at 11:33 and went to the meeting place [the learning center] and took the role. then we walked 100m to mega air. when we got there we had to take our shoes and socks. then we watched the safety video. then we were let loose, and I was so happy. about 3 min in I went to jumped into the air bag but I was scared. but I went and did it after 5 attempts and it was its so fun so I jumped in over 10 times over the time we were there. after we had our time everyone was happy but tired. so that is my recount of mega air.  👍 👋

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