
Thursday 1 March 2018

arts kete Musical full recount

Monday the 13th of November  the  year 7 and 8s found out what art they where doing for the new kete, the arts, and I am in the acting group. and we are doing a musical of the lion king

the first day we did some games warm ups and so dance. we first played tequila and then we play copy clap and then a zombie game. we then danced to thriller and can't stop the feeling. we also did some warm ups

the second day we played 123 16/16 and circle copy/ another name for copy clap\ we sang the circle of life from the lion king. and did some scales

the third day we read the script and learned the dance for hakuna matata it was a quick day

the forth day we found out who we are and read the script and sang to  the circle of life hakuna matata and i just can't wait to be king  we then saw what coustume bits there are.

the next couple of days we did practise and then finally performed it here is the vid\
lion king

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