
Friday 19 February 2021

WTE Sentences

 In English at the moment, we are looking at Write That Essay Sentences. These are the types and my examples of them

A Simple sentence - He creeped into the forest. 

A Very Short Sentence - The trees loomed ahead.

The Power Sentence - He knew it was a bad idea, but he had no choice.

Red White and Blue - The ground was covered in roots, rocks, and other things to trip him up.

The Adverb start - Carefully, he made his way through the trees. 

Begin with a preposition (prepositions are little words indicating movement or position) - Between the trees eyes gazed at him, watching his every move.

The -ing start - Wanting to get out of there as soon as possible, he hurried along, constantly checking behind him. 

The -ed start - Determined to complete his task, he pushed on, even as night fell.

The semicolon - Looking left and right he creeped along; Anxiety tickled at the back of his consciousness   

The em-dash - The trees - that creaked in the silence- seemed to close in on him more and more, the further he walked.

The W-Start - Whenever he tripped over a hidden root or rock, he could swear he could hear laughter, even though he knew he alone.

Explore the subject - The Forest, that people said to be haunted, seemed to stretch on forever

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