
Wednesday 10 February 2021


 In Wananga class today we had to create a list of what we have done in the holidays in alphabet order. Here is mine

Entertained young children
Four Wheel Driving
Ice cream
Lounge around
Make slice
Swimming in lake thing
Troll under the bridge

We then had to write what we have done in a paragraph. Again, here is mine (Unfinshed)

In the holidays the first week or so was quite and so there is not much to say apart from the weather was bad, but everyone had that. Christmas was also a quiet affair so again not much to say. We (Mum Dad and me) left for Alexandra on the 29th or 30th of December I think(Rosa would be coming later due to work, and James decided not to come). I know we left a day earlier because the weather was to be bad in Alexandra the next day and since we were camping we didn't want to set up the caravan in the rain. It was a good thing we went when we did because the next day was the beginning of a week of rain. Now you may not know this, but Alexandra usually has an average of 30o every day. And no rain. The complete opposite of what we had. We spent most of the first week in the caravan wrapped up in blankets. We stayed up on new years playing cards with my gran who was also camping with us. 

We had friends come and camp with us on the 2nd of January (Rosa came with them), and we showed them around as they had never been to alex before. It was Rosa and Gran's Birthday on the fourth of January. We opened gifts in the morning. James gave Rosa a very cute dinosaur, who was immediately named it George. we had sushi for lunch and muscles and bacon, chicken hearts and salad for dinner. My younger cousins came at some point within the next week, and stayed for a week. 

We did some four wheel driving at some point. We went up to the Old Man Range in search of snow, but were unsuccessful.  

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