
Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Novel study - Children of blood and bone (Chap 3 - 13)

In English we are doing a novel study on the book Children of blood and bone by Tomi Adeyemi. After we read the some of the chapters we write a statement on a connection to the real world, a message we took from the scene/passage, or wondering that we have. I'm a bit a head, so here is Chapters 3, 4, 9, 13. 

Chapter 3 – Amari
“I am afraid not, Your Highness. I saw it with my own eyes. Their magic was weak, but it was there.”
What does this mean for us? What shall happen to the monarchy? Are the maji already planning an attack? Will we have any chance of fighting back?
Memories of Father before the Raid play in my head, a paranoid man with grinding teeth and forever graying hair. The man who forced Inan and me into the palace cellar, placing swords in our hands though we were far too young and weak to lift them.
The maji will come for you, he warned. The same words every time he forced us to spar. When they do, you must be prepared.
A message I take from this scene is That, they think all the maji are bad and dangerous. They seem as if they are jealous of them, so they project their jealousy as hate.

Chapter 4 - Zélie
I bite my tongue. There’s no point in arguing. Strong and handsome Kosidán that he is. Tzain doesn’t understand why I need Mama Agba’s training. Boys in Ilorin try to be his friend, girls try to steal his heart. Even the guards flock his way, singing praises of his agbön skills.
He doesn’t understand what it’s like to be me, to walk around in a diviner’s skin. To jump every time a guard appears, never knowing how a confrontation will end.

A message I take from this scene is that Zelie has a slight resentment to her brother because everyone seems to want to be his friend, and he doesn’t have to be afraid when a guard comes knocking, while Zelie, as a deviner, is afraid when the guards come because one wrong move can mean her death, and non-diviners don’t want to be around her Because then the guards attack them as well

Chapter 9 – Zélie
“Mama, are you okay?”
Tears come to her eyes, spilling into the wrinkles of her dark skin. “It’s been so long,” she whispers. “I never thought I would feel the warmth of magic again”

“I feel,” she chokes through her silent sobs. “I feel like I can breathe again.”

I feel that when Mama Agba’s magic disappeared, it would feel like a huge whole in her chest would have opened up, and her touching the scroll and getting some of that back would fill that hole and make her feel like herself again.

Chapter 13 - Zélie
I turn back toward Amari and try to let it go. But in her eyes, I see her brother’s. I feel his hands choking me.
“I want to trust her—”
“No, you don’t.”
“Well, even if I did, I can’t. Her father ordered the Raid. Her brother burned down our village. What makes you think she’s any different?”

A message I take from this scene is That Zelie is scared that Amari will betray them, and can’t let go of that fear. She can’t forget what Amari’s family did, even if Amari herself had nothing to do with the raid.

Monday, 27 July 2020

Novel study - Children of Blood and Bone.

In English we have started novel studies. The book we are looking at is called Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi. After we finish a chapter, we have to make a link to a part in the chapter. Here is Chapter 1 and 2. I only did 2 though

Chapter 1 - Zélie
I move to help her, but she slaps my hand away. “Ode!”
Fool, she scolds me in Yoruba, the maji tongue outlawed after the Raid. I haven’t heard our language in so long, it takes me a few moments to remember what the word even means.

This could be compared to New Zealand history. Māori language was oppressed for so long, which has led to us not knowing the language so well anymore.

Chapter 2 – Zélie
“It’s a diviner tax.” I grip the draped fabric of my pants, still haunted by the guard’s touch. “They came for Mama Agba, too. Probably hitting every home in Ilorin.”
Tzain presses his fists to his forehead as if he could smash through his own skull. He wants to believe that playing by the monarchy’s rules will keep us safe, but nothing can protect us when those rules are rooted in hate.

This could be compared to Black people at the moment and how things are unfair for them, and the rules seemed to be made out of hate. It can also be related to Apartheid when the whites avoided the Blacks, like the norms are avoiding the Diviners.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Maths - Financial Literacy

In Math we are looking at financial literacy and things to do with that. There's not much to say about if though, we started looking at it this week. Soo.... there's not really any reason to make this blog post, but here we are.A blog post. With no meaning. Why is it here? What is its purpose? I'm having an existential crisis for the blog post! What is wrong with me!? A lot. A lot is wrong with me. Like this blog post that I had no need to make, and has gone off the rails of what it was meant to be, a post about math. That was only really the first sentence and I didn't really say much. What is the point of this.

I could just stop, stop and do Mathletics. But this is more fun. But my teacher is probably going to read thi- never mind he is going to read this, and see why I did no Mathletics. Because I like writing random sh-stuff, instead of doing math.

This post was going to be of math..... but..... there was nothing to say....... so........ normal people would stop writing the randomness that is this post, and do Mathletics (because it's 'fun' or what ever) But not me. Nope! I like doing this and making random, hopefully funny, Blog posts to brighten your day.

I should do work, but.... I'm not finished. Or am I? Am I writing random shiz because I have it all planned in my head? Or am I just writing without a plan? Guess you'll never know. I mean, you could guess, but..... that takes work. And if you are like me, and a lazy lazy person, you don't have time for that.

You may have stopped reading ages ago. Or you're still going with a smile on your face, or a frown that's ok (No it's not. SMILE! NOW!! thank you, ok you can go back to reading) If you are still reading, why? There is going to be nothing more about Math. That bit is over. You want to see where I'm going with this? Why I'm going nowhere!? I'm just talking about random stuff that has no meaning. You're not going to learn anything new. Anything at all really. Just how much I can babble.

Gods this is long. Yes, I said Gods. No I don't mean God. I mean Gods. Why? GREEK MYTHOLOGY! I like the Greek Gods (Zeus is an arss who can't keep it in his pants, Hera Yeeted her baby off of Olympus just Because he{Hephaestus} didn't fit her image of a 'perfect family', Back to Zeus again, one of his punishments for someone was to be hung on a mountain side, and have a vulture eat his liver every morning and for it to regrow every night. Fun! Aphrodite interferes with everyone's love life, and I could say more, but I can't think of more myths) Can you see why I like it? I also like the Percy Jackson series. And all the ships! Like Argon ll and that one raft Percy left on. OH! And The Princess Andromeda and Clarisse's ship from her father, that was maned with skeletons. Well The Princess Andromeda was maned by monsters soo... I will go with Clarisse thanks. Wait no, Leo. On the Argon ll. I like Leo. NOT LIKE THAT YA NASTIES! 

I have to go now sadly. Math is over. If you don't remember what this was supposed to be about let me tell you, we are looking at financial literacy and things to do with that. There we go. You could have stopped there but you didn't. you read all of this. Well done. Sooooooooo............... Bye I guess. 
SIKE! I'M STILL HERE SUCKERS! Sorry that was rude. You're not suckers. You are all beautiful people. Yes that is a fact and you can not change my mind. I will have to go though sadly. Bye. =,( 

Monday, 20 July 2020

How wired headphones use electricity

In the Holidays I used my wired headphones a lot. This is how they use electricity.

The small amount of power that they need comes from being plugged into the electronic device. The electricity goes to power the little speakers in the ear bud things. 

Website version 
(Quite simply they turn an electrical signal into ear-pleasing music or other audio input. The tiny amount of power necessary to operate the transducer circuit inside each of the earpieces of the headphones comes from jack being plugged into the source (electronic device).

Each earpiece is its own transducer circuit which consists of three different parts; the magnets, a coil, and a cone. As the current flows through the wire into a transducer it is turned into sound waves that enter the ear and the brain interprets the sound waves as music.)How Do Headphones Work?