In the last 7-8 weeks in metal work, I have been making a dog tag.
We got given a piece of metal and told to cut it to 35mm with a hacksaw (a type of saw used with cutting metal). This was harder than it sounds. I first cut and filed it to 31mm and then had to start over. My second attempt was better [35.something].
After we had filed it and had it at the right size, we then had to round the edges and corners. Then we stamped it with an assortment of metal stamps (they have a bump the shape of a backwards letter, you rotate the stamp so it is the right way up and then you make sure it is flat, and wack it with a hammer 1 time only) and finally buffed, with a buffer wheel (a high speed machine that spins cloth disc's so fast it will polish your work) and polished with a special aluminum polish.
clamps and files, (clamps hold your thing tightly and you use files to even out your work by getting rid of tiny bits of metal at a time)

drill press, (this is a fast spinning drill bit and it drills out a hole in the metal)

digital vernier caliper, (used to meager things to two decimal places in mm)

stamps, (used to make a indented letter in your work)
ruler, square and scriber, (ruler to roughly measure your work and make the line straight square, used to make sure your line is 90o and scriber to scratch a line into the metal)
soft jaws, (so your work does not get jaw marks embedded in it)
buffer wheel, (used to make your work all shiny by applying polish at high speed
My dog tag has MAC on it as those are my initials. Here is the 7-8 weeks of work.
please don't mind the scratches, Mr Rees said it was fine.
What would you put on yours?
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