
Wednesday 13 March 2019

Blahs look

fiboris lanky cushy sinewy  flexible enslaving wormy monstish addictive hariy strechy wiggly
  • picturesque soft  threadlike  tufy slimy jazzy
  • variegated

blahs look
fibrosis flexible
enslaving addictive sinewy
soft picturesque wiggly wormy
jazzy monstish hairy stretchy slimy
threadlike tuffy lanky cushy
rubery flat variegated
koosh ball

golden old key

bronze greenish tint amphitheater sparkly oval superannuated pretty diminutive 
metal old-fashioned goldish detailed thin mystical shapy fancy grooved\

lek yod
pretty sparkly
bronze greenish tint  metal
old-fashioned goldish mystical thin detailed 
amphitheater oval superannuated diminutive 
shapy fancy grooved 
old key

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