We have done a experiment on how high a ping pong ball bounces. We had a ping pong ball, ruler and some groups had a clamp.
We first had to full out the first steps in the method; the aim, the hypothesis and the method. We then filled out the key variables; the dependent variable (what you meurer) the independent variable (the one you change) and the control variable (the one you keep the same).
The aim is a brief statement of the purpose of the investigation. The hypothesis is a educated guess on what you think will happen. The method is what you will do in the experiment.
Then we did the experiment. we had 5 different heights to drop the ball from and we only had to 3 but I did all 5. We dropped the ball 3 times at each height. Then we found the average of all the drops. Mine were 16.6cm (from 0.2m) 31.1cm (from 0.4m) 44.6 (from 0.6m) 57.3 (from 0.8m) 63.3 (from 1.0m). Then we had to graph the average in our books, here's mine.
Then we had to do the next parts of the method. Writing the discussion (discussing your results), the conclusion (whether or not the results support your hypothesis) and the evaluation ( Discuss how/why your investigation was reliable and how to make it more so).
That is the method we used to do the ping pong ball experiment.
What do you think?