
Wednesday, 4 December 2019

The Merchant of Venice Act 3

The Merchant of Venice Act 3 Scene 1 summary
Solanio and Salerio say that the rumor that Antonio has lost one of his ships is still going around. Shylock accuses them of having known about Jessica running away. Shylock is very hurt and angry at Jessica's leaving and makes it clear that he will have revenge on Antonio if he defaults. He speaks of of Jews' and Christians' common humanity. Shylock goes on about revenge for a while more. When Salerio and Solanio leave Shylock's friend, Tubal, reports on his search for Jessica. Tubal tells Shylock about Antonio second ship going down. He also tells of Jessica's spending spree. Shylock starts making arrangements for Antonio's forfeit.

The Merchant of Venice Act 3 Scene 1 Questions

1.Why does Shylock assume Solanio and Salerio know of Jessica’s flight?
They are friends with Lorenzo, therefore would be in on the plan.

2. What is the second suggestion of misfortune for Antonio- find a quote.
His ships have sunk "Yes, other men have ill luck too. Antonio, as I heard in Genoa-" "Hath a argosy cast away coming from Tripolis" " I spoke with some the the sailors that escaped the wreak"

3.Who has been looking for Lorenzo and Jessica, how do we know.
Shylock and Tubal. They have been talking about where they are.

4.Where do Shylock and Tubal arrange to meet and with what purpose?
at the Synagogue to do their trades. As they are jews they can't do it in public.

The Merchant of Venice Act 3 Scene 2 summary
Bassanio has arrived and Portia is trying to get him to wait in his choice so she can spend time with him incase he chooses wrong, she will still be able to see him for a while. Bassano, on the other hand,can not bear to wait. Portia requests that music will be played while he is choosing. He takes his time, but settles on the lead. Portia picture lies within, therefore he has won. As they are celebrating  Gratino and Nerisa anous that they will also be getting married........

That is all the time I have for this. You can come up will how the story ends.
This is also the last English for 2019. Good bye and see you next year.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

RESEARCH PROJECT - Sustainability Inquiry - E-waste

In Social Studies, we have been doing a research project on a Sustainability issue. I chose E-waste. I had 4 questions to complete and 3 resources. Here are the questions I had to complete

Key Question 1: What is the environmental/social sustainability issue? 
E-waste is a big issue. It is when people throw out electronics and don’t recycle it. 
Key Question 2: What factors have caused this issue?
People are throwing electronics out that work perfectly well because the newest model has come out. They are also are throwing them in the trash, or sending them to unsustainable recyclers. some of the electronics they are throwing out can be fixed, and used some more The producers of the electronics are also at fault here. They are making the devices not last as long as they used to, so, after about a couple of years, you will have to go back to buy a new one. 

Key Question 3:  What will happen if this issue continues to degrade? 
it will continue to pollute the land, air and water. it will contribute to global warming. More Tech will need to be disposed of, and that means more poisonous chemicals will go into the atmosphere, and more landfill. For example, the workers in the landfills are poor families, children included, have to burn the electrils, filled will poisons, and having to inhale it. the gas’ will thentravle into the air and the surrounding towns, cities ec, will have them drift in as well

Key Question 4: What are the possible solutions to this issue (either being currently done or could be done)?  
- If it still works, see if anyone else wants it. If not, put it in the recycling, not the trash
- If it is broken, then see if you can fix it. learning to fix something is a great activity to do.
- Just because the latest model has come out, does not mean you need to buy/upgrade it. If your device works perfectly fine, don’t buy a new one

Conclusions: Write conclusions summarising what you learned from your 
research. Include specific evidence from your research to       
support your findings. 
E-waste is when people throw out electronics and don’t give them to sustainable recyclers. it is  a big issue as it creates landfill and the methods to get rid of it and/or recycle the metals, and other parts are very dangerous. The burning of the electronics release poisonous gases then the workers have to inhale the poison. some of the workers are just children.  It keeps getting worse because people are throwing out devices that work, because, one, a newer model has come out, or two because it does not work one hundred percent. Producers are also at fault as they are not making to last as long as they used to. This is so we have to buy a new one sooner, therefore they get more money. These are some things you could do to help with E-waste:
-If it still works, see if anyone else wants it. If not, put it in the recycling, not the trash
-If it is broken, then see if you can fix it. learning to fix something is a great activity to do.
-just because the latest model has come out, does not mean you need to buy/upgrade it.  if your device works perfectly fine, don’t buy a new one

My resources
Source 1: Internet
Author’s Surname and Initials (name of website if unknown): Electronics TakeBack Coalition
Title: How kids can help solve the e-waste problem
Date: 26.11.19                     Time: 10:19 am 

Source 2: Internet 
Author’s Surname and Initials: The World counts 
Title: Electronic Revolution = E-Waste 
Date: 26.11.19           Time: 12:05

Source 3: Internet 
Author’s Surname and Initials: Kiddle
Title: Electronic waste facts for kids
Date: 29.11.19                           Time: 12:00  

Here is the doc this is all on

Monday, 2 December 2019

The Merchant of venice Act 2.

The Merchant of venice Act 2 scene 1 summary.
The Prince of Morocco is visiting to see if he can marry Portia. He asks her to look past his skin colour. she says there is more than looks to win her love but it is not up to her. He must do the chest test.
1.We have watched racial and religious tensions at work in A1S3. The Prince of Morocco opens A2S1 with another sensitive issue. What is it?
skin colour. he said not to judge him on his skin colour.

2.If Antonio loses his gamble, he must forfeit a pound of flesh. What must Portia’s suitors give up if they fail to win her?
asking another woman's hand in marriage

3.What is Portia’s opinion of the Prince of Morocco- give examples. 

he is just like any other suitors. he is not specle. "your self, renowned prince then stood as fair as any comer I have look'd on yet for my affection."

The Merchant of venice Act 2 scene 2 summary
Launcelot is talking himself about leaving Shylock. His blind father comes up to him and, not knowing it is him, asks for directions to shylocks. Launcelot decides to be an ass and annoy him. They start talking about Launcelot, but, Launcelot keeps asking "We are talking about Launcelot right?" "just making sure, it is Launcelot we are talking about?" He ends up convincing Gobbo, his father, to let him leave working shylock and go work with Bassanio. they talk to him for a bit and Launcelot gets the job. they leave and Gratiano comes and asks to go to belmont with him. Bassanio basically says "You can come, as long as you don't get drunk and do stupid things" Gratiano argress but says "you can not put what happens tonight as we are not at Belmont"

1. Why does Launcelot want to leave Shylock? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.
Because you can stick your finger in between his ribs he is so thin ( "I am famished in his service, you may tell every finger I have with my ribs.")

2. Why is Bassanio worried about taking Gratiano with him to Belmont?
Because Gratiano gets drunk and does stupid things that will embarrass him and Bassanio.

In lines 114-142...
Launcelot and his father are very anxious to find Launcelot a new job. They both want to impress Bassanio. This leads to
a. frequent interruptions.
"Here is my son sir, a poor boy-"
"Not a poor boy, sir, but the rich jew's man; That would sir,- as my father will specify-"
"He hath a great infection sir, one would say to serve-

b. contradictions
"Here is my son sir, a poor boy-"
"Not a poor boy, sir, but the rich jew's man

c. misuse of words to impress. 
I cant find any

Find examples of each of these in the text.

The Merchant of venice Act 2 scene 3 Summary
Jesseca is going to leave Shylock (Her father) and run away with Lorenzo. She gives a note to Launcelot and he will give it to Lorenzo.

1. What does Jessica think of her life at home? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking. 
She doesn't like it. ("Our house is hell and thou a merry devil)

2. Which of Bassanio’s friends is Jessica planning to marry?

The Merchant of venice Act 2 scene 4 summary
Gratiano, Lorenzo, Salerio and Solanio are talking of plans and Launcelot comes with a letter from Jesseca. They talk for a bit before leaving to collect Jesseca.

The Merchant of venice Act 2 scene 4 questions
1. How does Jessica get a message to her lover?
She gives the letter to Launcelot who in turn gives it to Lorenzo

2. How will she be disguised for the elopement?
she will be dressed as a boy.

The Merchant of venice Act 2 scene 5 summary
Shylock is talking to Launcelot   about him working for Bassanio and calls for Jessica. Launcelot calls her as well. She comes and Shylock tells her that he is going out to supper and there is to be a masquerade type thing so to stay away from the windows and to lock the doors. Launcelot says that there may be a Christian that will come passed that will be worth looking out the window for, ie Lorenzo. Shylock leaves, leaving her alone.

Act Two, Scene Five questions
1. Why is Shylock uneasy about going out for the evening? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.
because the masquerade going to happen "What! Are there Masques? Hear you me Jessica: Lock up my doors and when you hear the drum.... By Jacob's staff I swear I have no mind of feasting forth to-night; but I will go. go you before me sirrah; say I will come"

The Merchant of venice Act 2 scene 6 summary
Gratiano and Salerio are waiting beneath Jessica's window for Lorenzo to come. He eventually comes and calls for Jessica. She is dressed in boys clothes and she is embarrassed about it. She gives them a box full of money and jewels and climbs down the rope. Lorenzo asks her to be his torch bearer for to-night. Everyone leaves except Gratiano. Antonio comes and tell him that they are leaving for Belmont to-night.

Act Two, Scene Six Questions
1. How does Launcelot manage to tell Jessica that Lorenzo will be there that evening?
When Shylock tells her that the masquerade is happening and not to look out the window, Launcelot tells her that a certain christian will come that would be worth looking out for.

2. What does Jessica throw down to Lorenzo?
a casket box thing filled with riches

3. Why is Antonio looking for Gratiano?
Because they are going to belmont earlier than planned

The Merchant of venice Act 2 scene 7 summary
The Prince of Morocco is trying his luck with the caskets for Portia's hand in marriage. He asks how he will know if he wins and Portia tells him that her picture will be in the caskets and if he picks the on with it in it then she is all his. If not, he must never ask another woman's hand in marriage. He looks at the three caskets. Gold, Silver and lead. After 'careful' debate he picks the Gold box. He opens it and finds............. a skell.

The Merchant of venice Act 2 scene 7 Questions
1. Which casket does the Prince of Morocco think is worthy to contain Portia’s portrait. Use evidence of the text to justify your answer.
The Gold Casket "Stamped in gold but that's insculped upon; But here an angel in a golden bed lies within. Deliver me the key"

2.How is Portia feeling in A2S7
a. at the beginning,
b. while the Prince is making his choice,
c. at the end

A. Scared and nervous
B. Hopeful
C. Relieved

3.What was Portia's father trying to achieve by the use of the caskets. Does this seem to be working?

Portia father was trying to get the best suitor for Portia and yes it seems to be working.

The Merchant of venice Act 2 scene 8 summary
Solanio and Salerio are talking about Bassanio and Gratiano going on the ship to Belmont. They have also heard Shylock going around the streets crying about his lost daughter and lost money. Salerio mentions that someone had said that there was a ship that sunk, filled with riches. They hope it is not Antonios.

    The Merchant of venice Act 2 scene 8 Questions
    1. What double disaster has struck Shylock?
    His daughter has run away with his money

      2.Where did Shylock think Lorenzo & Jessica might be?
      On the ship with Bassanio and Gratiano

        3.How did Bassanio and Antonio part?
        Bassanio said he would come back quickly, but Antonio told him to take his time, enjoy himself and not worry about him.

          4.What is the first suggestion of trouble for Antonio? Find a quote that tells you this.
          "I reasoned with a frenchman yesterday, who told me, in the narrow sea that part the french and english, there miscarried a vessel of our country richly fraught. I thought upon Antonio when he told me, and wished in silence that is were not his."

          The Merchant of venice Act 2 scene 9 summary
          In Belmont the Prince of Arragon is about to make his choice of casket. In short, he picks the silver. They then get news that a Venetian man has arrived.

          The Merchant of venice Act 2 scene 9 Questions

          1. What is the purpose of the rhymes in the caskets?
          to basically say, sorry, you failed, please leave and never ask another's hand in marriage. good bye, have a good life.

          2. Why does the Prince of Arragon discard the golden caskets. What does his interpretation of the inscription tell us about his character?
          He is proud and arrogant. "I will not jump in with common spirits"

          3. What is Portia’s reaction to Bassanio’s arrival?
          She is eager to know if it is him, and is happy that it is

          That is Act 2 finshed. I am soooooo behind. Oh well. On to Act 3

          Friday, 29 November 2019

          Goldilock principle

          Goldilock principle
          Off the internet
          1. In astrobiology, the Goldilocks zone refers to the habitable zone around a star: As Stephen Hawking put it, "like Goldilocks, the development of intelligent life requires that planetary temperatures be 'just right'". The Rare Earth Hypothesis uses the Goldilocks principle in the argument that a planet must be neither too far away from nor too close to a star and galactic center to support life, while either extreme would result in a planet incapable of supporting life. Such a planet is colloquially called a "Goldilocks Planet". Paul Davies has argued for the extension of the principle to cover the selection of our universe from a (postulated) multiverse: "observers arise only in those universes where, like Goldilocks's porridge, things are by accident 'just right'".

          2. In 'Goldilock and the Three Bears', Goldilock finds that only one bowl of porridge has the ''just right'' temperature, and in the same way within biology, you can find the 'just right' conditions -- called the Goldilocks principle. This research team has done by demonstrating that in order to get the 'just right' amount of signalling for symbiosis in the roots of legumes, a specific enzyme called chitinase (CHIT5) must be present.

          3. Small planets, including Earth are much more likely to become incubators of life. Astronomers refer to these insignificant little worlds as terrestrial planets because they have heavy-metal cores surrounded by a rocky mantle. Terrestrial planets tend to stick close to their host stars, which means they have smaller orbits and much shorter years. Terrestrial or Earth-like planets are also more likely to lie in the Goldilocks zone. Also called the habitable zone or life zone, the Goldilocks region is an area of space in which a planet is just the right distance from its home star so that its surface is neither too hot nor too cold. Earth, of course, fills that bill, while Venus roasts and Mars exists as a frozen world. In between, the conditions are just right so that liquid water remains on the surface of the planet without freezing or evaporating out into space.

          In my own words 
          4. The goldilock principle for planets is when a planet is far enough away from the sun, so we won’t burn, but close enough so we don’t freeze. It is called the goldilocks principle because it is taken after the children fairytale where a little girl tries three different bowls of porridge and three different beds. One bed and one porridge where on one side of the scale (hot/hard) and another set were on the other side of the scale (cold/soft) whereas the last set of bed and food, were just right (temperature and firmness) Some planets are in the ‘just right’ place according to the sun/star they are orbiting. Any closer and any living thing would burn, any further away and they would freeze, they are just right.   

          Wednesday, 27 November 2019

          Carrot Cake Cupcakes

          In Home Economics last week we made carrot cake cupcakes. We worked well as a team. We made these because they had a secret veggie hidden in them *carrot* so it was kinda healthy. There still was a lot of sugar.😉.Due to Budget and timing we could not put Cream cheese Icing on them, so instead we simply added icing sugar. We used a simple recipe of:

          - Flour
          - White sugar
          - Salt
          - Carrots
          - Cinnamon
          - B.soda
          - B. powder
          - Oil
          - Egg

          - Cream Cheese (Softened)
          - Icing sugar
          - Lemon juice

          Image result for carrot cake cupcakes with powdered sugar

          Tuesday, 26 November 2019

          Astronomy vs Astrology

          In science we are looking at Astronomy. One of the things we looked at was  Astronomy vs Astrology. Astronomy is a real branch of science and deals with facts and evidence, whereas Astrology is a Pseudoscience (Pseudo is a greek word that means false or fraudulent)

          Here is a video that explains it a bit

          Here is a kinda funny one that I like.

          Monday, 25 November 2019

          Self directed learning goal

          This week my self directed learning goal is to get my work done and on my blog and get up to date with all of my work as well.

          here is are random pictures for you

          Sorry I had to.

          Thursday, 21 November 2019

          Earth Balloon

          Earth Balloon

          In social studies we are looking at sustainability. We did a small activity where we had a balloon that we had blown up and we got asked a bunch of questions and depending on our answers depends on whether we let air in or let it out. Our balloon ended up being quite small. We then had some questions to answer  

          1. What happened to your earth?
          It grew a little and shunk a little. It ended up being a small earth/balloon

          1. Why did this happen?
          Because we are kinda sustainable but not fully 

          1. What could we do to stop that from happening? Or make it continue?
          Break the bad habits we have and make new better ones 

          1. What is one thing we could do to change our behavior?

          Use both sides of paper, turn off a light as you leave the room.

          Monday, 11 November 2019

          Rotorua lakes (Unfinished)

          In social studies we have looking sustainability and today we are looking Rotorua lakes and the water quality. the task is to write a newspaper article on it. 

          - the uses have changed from food resources to cloths and material resources.
          Pasture fertilisation/pasture runoff
          - Farming stock effluent  
          - Decomposing sewage – septic tanks and wastewater seepage

          - rotorua city council
          - The Bay of Plenty Regional Council
          NIWA (National Institute of Water and{Atmospheric Research, Ltd})
          Eight of the 12 lakes show at least possible improvement, Two lakes show no change, Two lakes show possible degradation
          - people

          Describe why the lakes are a significant resource: Because it is a good food resources as well as cloths and material resources.
          what human actions have contributed to the current water quality? Pasture fertilisation/pasture runoff (farming) Decomposing sewage (septic tanks and wastewater seepage)
          Who has been responsible for the management of the lakes ? rotorua city council, The Bay of Plenty Regional Council, NIWA.
          Identify key reasons why the future sustainability of the lake is at risk: Because people are stupid and do what they want without thinking of the coniquinces (spelling? spell check not working). 

          The newspaper article (I have no Idea what I'm doing fyi)

          The Rotorua lakes health is shown to be declining. This is because of things like Pasture fertilisation/pasture runoff running into the lakes and decomposing sewage, septic tanks and wastewater seepage. These lakes have been used as resources for food, clothes and material. People like the Rotorua City Council, The Bay of Plenty Regional Council and the NIWA (National Institute of Water and{Atmospheric Research, Ltd}). 

          Friday, 8 November 2019

          Reading Comprehensions, Charcoal 7 The amazing Axolotl

          In English we are doing the Comprehension box again and this time I am looking a axolotls.

          x = guess
          xx = correct guess
          o = wrong guess
          v = actual answer

          1. The word Appendages means:
          a. Attached parts xx
          b. Bandages

          2. In the wild axolotls are generally what colour:
          a. Grey
          b. Black xx
          c. Pink

          3. the main idea in paragraph 2 is to explain the Axolotls:
          a. Appearance
          b. Name xx
          c. Location

          4. In paragraph 8, an axolotl differs from a frog because it:
          a. is a fish and a frog is an amphibian
          b. can only transform into a land dweller when the conditions xx
          c. is warm blooded and a frog is cold blooded.

          5. The text is written to:
          a. amaze
          b. Follow instructions
          c. Provide information xx

          6. What effect has the growth of mexico city had on it's wild axolotl population:
          a. Numbers have diminished but wild axolotls continue
          b. Very few axolotls now exist in the wild and they are endangered xx
          c. There has been very little change in the numbers of axolotls left in the wild

          7. the pronoun it in paragraph 4 refers to:
          a. Wild axolotls
          b. Mexico
          c. Lake Xochimilco xx

          8. A good summary of an axolotl's neotenous ability would be:
          a. If the environment is very dry, it may transform into a land dwelling animal xx
          b. When it is ready to breed, it loses its gill and goes on land to find a mate.
          c. it transforms into a land dwelling animal as it grows

          9. Axolotls which have not undergone metamorphosis are under water:
          a. when they feel like a swim
          b. about half the time
          c. all of the time xx

          10. which two words in paragraph 8, are synonyms?
          a. land-dwelling and terrestrial v
          b. amphibian and water-dwelling x o
          c. environment and captivity

          11. Which statement is an opinion, not a fact:
          a. A juvenile axolotl can regenerate body parts faster than an adult axolotl
          b. People who have lost limbs should encourage research of axolotls  xx
          c. Scientists study axolotls to learn how they regenerate body parts

          12. It two juvenile axolotls are housed in one tank and one of them disappears it is likely that:
          a. one underwent transformation and climbed out of the tank
          b. one became an albino axolotl and can not be seen in the tank
          c. one axolotl was eaten by the other xx

          Wednesday, 6 November 2019


          In Home economics last week, we did a smoothie challenge where we had some ingredients that we had to use for the smoothies. My team had a rainbow blend that we had to use, which had strawberries, mango, kiwifruit, and blueberries. We also added milk, yogurt, oats and ice cream. The other teams smoothies were called

          Cracking Coconut, which was a dairy free smoothie. In my opinion it had a very strong coconut smell and was lumpy. Their second try was around the same but was very watery.

          Strawberry Blast, theirs was very smooth which was nice, and it was very pink, it was also quite perfumed. Part of me thinks they didn't take the tops off the strawberries because there was a planty undertone.

          Banana Breezy, theirs was also quite smooth and it looked clean and fizzy. The taste was quite sweet and rich.

          As we had a lot of our smoothie left we gave some to the teachers. This is their feedback
          - totally delicious!
          - yummy.
          - love it. I can taste the blueberries.
          - would be really yummy cold.
          - Amazing! Loved how sweet it was without any sugar / honey added.
          - Lots of different fruit that work well together.
          - Darn that's good.
          - Amazing! absolutely delicious.

          Image result for purple smoothies

          Friday, 1 November 2019


          In social studies we have been looking at Sustainability. I had to look at a Sustainability issue in New Zealand. I chose this one 

          New Zealand has high greenhouse gas emissions per person.

          New Zealand accounts for a fraction of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, about 0.17 per cent in 2014. But, on a per capita basis we have an outsized carbon footprint, emitting 18 tonnes of greenhouse gasses per person, every year. That makes New Zealand the 21st biggest per capita contributor to climate change in the world. Amongst the OECD (other rich nations which we benchmark ourselves against) we have the fifth highest per capita emissions. 

          This is because New Zealand has around 10 million cows and 30 million sheep. Cows and sheep emit methane into the atmosphere and methane is considered 28 times worse for the planet than CO₂. One tonne of methane is 28 tonnes of CO₂-equivalent
           48% of our greenhouse gas emissions come from  Agriculture. 

          People are changing to sustainable sources of energy, like solar, and are changing to electric cars, to reduce the CO2 levels in the air. Electric cars produce little or no local air pollution, reduce dependence on petroleum (Petrol) and also have the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. People are also trying to stop using plastic, so it does not have to be made so factories aren't pumping chemicals into the air.

          What can we do to help? We can drive and fly less, instead of driving we can walk or bike, it has the added benefit of being good for your health. If you don’t want to you can car-pool with friends or take public transport. We also plant trees, In New Zealand, forests offset nearly 30 percent of our greenhouse gas emissions. Trees also provide shade which has a cooling effect in towns and cities. When placed around buildings they can cut electricity used for cooling in summer.

          Wednesday, 30 October 2019

          Muffin Makeover (Banana choc chip muffins)

          In Home Economics last week, we did a muffin makeover. We took a recipe and made it healthier. I got moved into a new team consisting of William and Ruby, and we made Banana choc chip muffins. Ruby couldn't eat hers so we gave them to some teachers, their feedback was : "moist and smooth," "good ratio of choc to banana," "nice texture and taste with wholemeal flour," "Great size," "made the teachers happy," "no improvements but boys wanted more!" 
          We work well in a team I think. We got finished quickly, and the end result was delicious.

          The changes we made were:
          We swapped the white flour for wholemeal flour with some white, the butter for canola oil,the baking soda for baking powder and the whole milk (Dark blue top) to Low fat unsweetened yogurt. 
          We reduced the sugar, chocolate chips, and size making 24 minis and 9 big muffins

          The reasons for the changes:
          Adding wholemeal flour got more fiber into the muffin, using the canola oil instead of butter made there be less saturated fats, baking soda was swapped for baking powder because the powder raised better and tasted better, the yogurt was used instead of milk for health benefits and it gave the muffins a nice texture.

          Thursday, 24 October 2019


          In social studies  we have been looking at Sustainability. Sustainability is where you only take only what you need and how much the environment can replenish. it is so the next generations can enjoy the same things that we can. If we are not sustainable the future planet will be unfit for human life. We would have to move to Mars! That would be fun...... I think.

          Here is some words and definitions of thing related to Sustainability. If it is red then it is not good/not sustainable, Orange means it kinda is and green is it is good/sustainable. 

          I think I'm meant to have more writing but I don't know what else to say. So, sorry Miss '-' .

          Wednesday, 23 October 2019


          In Home economics last week we made Mac'n'cheese. We made a roux sauce (white sauce) with onion and bacon bits cooked in the butter. We cooked the pasta in a rolling boil till al dente. ours may have been a bit over cooked. I did not find that we worked well, we were rushed, I got really stressed and so I got bossy. I did not have a good lesson. But the food was good so that's good. 

          Image result for mac'n'cheese

          Monday, 21 October 2019

          Reading comprehension, Charcoal 2, Mummies of the peat bogs

          A peat bog is a type of wetland in which the water is acidic and brown in colour. the cold, acidic, oxygen free conditions prevent decay and mummify flesh.

          o guess
          x wrong answer
          v right answer
          oo correct answer


          1. In Paragraph 4 the word, garrotte, could be replaced with:
          a. Skin
          b. Scarf  o x
          c. Rope  v

          2. The second of the four bog men to be discovered was:
          a. Oldcroghan man
          b. Tollund man
          c. Lindow man  oo

          3. Although none of the men died of natural causes, only Tollund man was not:
          a. Executed
          b. Tortured  oo
          c. Guilty

          4. It is an opinion not a fact that the bog men where:
          a. Pagan sacrifices  oo
          b. all men
          c. killed

          5. all men lived at some time in the
          a. Common Era
          b. Iron Age  v
          c. 12th century  o x

          6. the main idea of paragraph 2 is to describe:
          a. how the men died
          b. what mummification is
          c. what a peat bog is and why it can preserve a body  oo

          7. if the conditions of the peat bog preserve bodies, when they are taken from the bog they would:
          a. Begin to decay  oo
          b. Stay the same
          c. Disappear

          8. We know that trade occurred in the iron age in western Europe because:
          a. Clonycavan man wore hair gel
          b. The hair gel contained tree resin
          c. The hair gel resin came from trees in Spain and France, not Ireland  oo

          9. the bog men were preserved because:
          a. they were pagan sacrifices
          b. the conditions of the prevent decay  oo
          c. they were criminals

          10. The text is a:
          a. factual report v
          b. fairytale narrative
          c. biographical report  o x

          11. We can conclude from the text that although scientists can determine how the bog men died they __________ why they were killed:
          a. do not care
          b. can not determine  oo
          c. are afraid to discover

          12. In Paragraph 3 the pronoun they refers to the:
          a. seeds and vegetables
          b. special techniques
          c. scientists  oo


          Introducing Shakespeare

          Notes things we should know/Random Shakespeare facts

          Plays are social events
          People are drunk
          no roof
          one of the only exciting thing on at the time
          No women allowed to perform, all women parts were played by me in wigs
          No sets they did have props and costumes, make-up though minimal
          they paid a penny to get into the playhouse and another penny to get into the tiers of seating surrounding the yard

          SDL goals

          My SDL (Self directed learning) goal for this week is to save my work, so I don't lose all my work. also to catch up on my work that i have loss, Act 1 scene 2 & 3. 

          Tuesday, 15 October 2019

          The Merchant of venice, Act 1

          The Merchant of venice Act 1 scene 1, summary
          Antonio is sad and does not know why. His friends, Salerio and Solanio, try to cheer him up. Bassanio, lorenzo and Gratiano come and Gratiano gives a long lecture about why Antonio should be happy. everyone but Bassanio leave and he confesses he is in love with a wealthy lady called Portia. Bassanio asks Antonio for money so he can impress Portia, but all Antonio's money is out at sea, so he says to go and ask others to see if they would lend Bassanio money under Antonio's name.

          The Merchant of venice, Act 1 scene 1

          1. Antonio is depressed without knowing why. What two possible reasons do his friends suggest?
          that he is worried about his ships out at sea. He is in love.

          2. Do you think Gratiano’s contributions help Antonio’s mood?
          Maybe once Bassanio said that his words are worthless. That may have made him laugh.

          3. What are your first impressions of Bassanio?
          He is a good friend to Antonio and that he is able to be trusted.

          4. Is he in love?
          Yes. He has fallen hard.

          5. Why does he need to borrow money again now
          To impress Portia so she will marry him.

          The Merchant of venice, Act 1 scene 2 Summary
          Portia and Nerissa are talking about the suitors that are trying to impress Portia. Portia is complaining that she does not like any of the suitors. She only likes Bassano.

          The Merchant of venice, Act 1 scene 2 questions

          1. How do Portia’s first words compare with Antonio’s?
          They are both in a bad mood, so both are kinda sad words

          2.What is the reason for her mood?
          She doesn't want to marry any of the suitors that are trying to impress her.

          3.Do you think Nerissa is a help to her?
          yes to stop Portia's whining

          4.Sum up, in a word or a short phrase, Portia’s attitude to her suitors so far
          "They suck, I hate them all. Except that Bassanio, he's cool"

          The Merchant of venice, Act 1 scene 3
          Bassanio asks Shylock for 'three thousand ducats' for three months. Shylock asks to talk to Antonio so he comes. Antonio and Shylock banter for a bit before shylock agrees. But instead of asking of interest if Antonio does not pay in three months time, Shylock gets a pound of his flesh from wherever Shylock wants

          1. Shylock is a moneylender. Does he seem eager to do business with Bassanio? How do you know?
          Not really. He seems to not like the fact that Antonio is going to be apart of this deal.

          2. Which does Shylock think is safe, his business or Antonio’s? Why?

          3. Why doesn’t Shylock want to dine with Bassanio and Antonio?
          He is a jew. Jews don't eat pork, that is what Antonio and Bassanio is severing, as pork is the devils meat

          4. What strict principal of his is Antonio breaking to help Bassanio?
          To never lend nor borrow with interest

          5. Shylock tells a bible story to prove that the taking of profit is blessed, as long as thieving is not involved. Does he convince Antonio? Give evidence.
          No. Antonio says that "the devil can quote scripture for his purpose" meaning that he would cite the parts of the Bible that lines up with what he wants.

          6. Shylock accuses Antonio of a whole catalogue of nastiness. How does Antonio answer the charges?
          "And I will do it again."

          7.How does Bassanio react to the proposed bond?
          He Doseo not want Antonio to do the deal in fear that they won't be able to pay it back

          End of Act 1