
Wednesday 30 October 2019

Muffin Makeover (Banana choc chip muffins)

In Home Economics last week, we did a muffin makeover. We took a recipe and made it healthier. I got moved into a new team consisting of William and Ruby, and we made Banana choc chip muffins. Ruby couldn't eat hers so we gave them to some teachers, their feedback was : "moist and smooth," "good ratio of choc to banana," "nice texture and taste with wholemeal flour," "Great size," "made the teachers happy," "no improvements but boys wanted more!" 
We work well in a team I think. We got finished quickly, and the end result was delicious.

The changes we made were:
We swapped the white flour for wholemeal flour with some white, the butter for canola oil,the baking soda for baking powder and the whole milk (Dark blue top) to Low fat unsweetened yogurt. 
We reduced the sugar, chocolate chips, and size making 24 minis and 9 big muffins

The reasons for the changes:
Adding wholemeal flour got more fiber into the muffin, using the canola oil instead of butter made there be less saturated fats, baking soda was swapped for baking powder because the powder raised better and tasted better, the yogurt was used instead of milk for health benefits and it gave the muffins a nice texture.

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