
Tuesday 3 December 2019

RESEARCH PROJECT - Sustainability Inquiry - E-waste

In Social Studies, we have been doing a research project on a Sustainability issue. I chose E-waste. I had 4 questions to complete and 3 resources. Here are the questions I had to complete

Key Question 1: What is the environmental/social sustainability issue? 
E-waste is a big issue. It is when people throw out electronics and don’t recycle it. 
Key Question 2: What factors have caused this issue?
People are throwing electronics out that work perfectly well because the newest model has come out. They are also are throwing them in the trash, or sending them to unsustainable recyclers. some of the electronics they are throwing out can be fixed, and used some more The producers of the electronics are also at fault here. They are making the devices not last as long as they used to, so, after about a couple of years, you will have to go back to buy a new one. 

Key Question 3:  What will happen if this issue continues to degrade? 
it will continue to pollute the land, air and water. it will contribute to global warming. More Tech will need to be disposed of, and that means more poisonous chemicals will go into the atmosphere, and more landfill. For example, the workers in the landfills are poor families, children included, have to burn the electrils, filled will poisons, and having to inhale it. the gas’ will thentravle into the air and the surrounding towns, cities ec, will have them drift in as well

Key Question 4: What are the possible solutions to this issue (either being currently done or could be done)?  
- If it still works, see if anyone else wants it. If not, put it in the recycling, not the trash
- If it is broken, then see if you can fix it. learning to fix something is a great activity to do.
- Just because the latest model has come out, does not mean you need to buy/upgrade it. If your device works perfectly fine, don’t buy a new one

Conclusions: Write conclusions summarising what you learned from your 
research. Include specific evidence from your research to       
support your findings. 
E-waste is when people throw out electronics and don’t give them to sustainable recyclers. it is  a big issue as it creates landfill and the methods to get rid of it and/or recycle the metals, and other parts are very dangerous. The burning of the electronics release poisonous gases then the workers have to inhale the poison. some of the workers are just children.  It keeps getting worse because people are throwing out devices that work, because, one, a newer model has come out, or two because it does not work one hundred percent. Producers are also at fault as they are not making to last as long as they used to. This is so we have to buy a new one sooner, therefore they get more money. These are some things you could do to help with E-waste:
-If it still works, see if anyone else wants it. If not, put it in the recycling, not the trash
-If it is broken, then see if you can fix it. learning to fix something is a great activity to do.
-just because the latest model has come out, does not mean you need to buy/upgrade it.  if your device works perfectly fine, don’t buy a new one

My resources
Source 1: Internet
Author’s Surname and Initials (name of website if unknown): Electronics TakeBack Coalition
Title: How kids can help solve the e-waste problem
Date: 26.11.19                     Time: 10:19 am 

Source 2: Internet 
Author’s Surname and Initials: The World counts 
Title: Electronic Revolution = E-Waste 
Date: 26.11.19           Time: 12:05

Source 3: Internet 
Author’s Surname and Initials: Kiddle
Title: Electronic waste facts for kids
Date: 29.11.19                           Time: 12:00  

Here is the doc this is all on

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