
Thursday 5 November 2020


In  DTE we have been doing a sphero project were we get given a sphero, and told, go make something. Me and my group decided to make a race track, and have the spheros race around that. That has not gone well. 

We started with 'research' and wasted a couple of periods until I got sick of not being told what to do, and decided to actually get some work done, so I started to make a track. Braydon then started with the coding. After a while we realized that something was wrong. Every time we ran the code, even without changing it, the outcome would change. Under turn the corner, then the next time over turn. So we spent the next three and a half weeks trying to fix the coding (We still haven't sorting that out) Mr Carter then told us we had to redo the track because it looked like, and I quote "like some my drunk uncle would make." So we re-did the track, making some changes, most noticeably the corners. We used to have rounded corners, but we decide that sharp 90o would be better. We then took it to the art space to paint it. We took the next three days to paint it. 

Evidence/pictures of our work will come soon

Personal thoughts

I have not enjoyed it all that much.  Things not going right, people not doing as they are told (*CoughcoughboysCoughcough*) Sorry had to clear my throat. I will amit, it had merit, it was a good(ish) idea, and had it worked, it would have been quite cool. We just didn't execute it well. 

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