
Thursday 19 March 2020

KiwiFruit DNA Extraction

Yesterday in science, we extracted DNA from Kiwifruit. Here is the post about it.


Aim: Extract DNA from Kiwifruit. 

Materials: half a Kiwifruit, Mortar and Pestle, two squirts of Detergent, Snaplock baggy, cloth, pinch of Salt, Ethanol, test tube 

Method: Scoop the kiwi into the Mortar and Pestle, and smush it. Add the Detergent and mix. Pour into the cloth and squeeze into the the snaplock baggy. Add a pinch of salt and mix again (After closing it of course) Let it sit for a couple of minutes. Pour into a test tube, and pour in the ethanol. There will be a globy thing that floats to the top of the kiwifruit juice, that is the DNA. 

Results: The globly thing on top. here is a picture

 Have random ones that have nothing to do with this.

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