
Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Friday, 16 March 2018

mega air

yesterday me and 15-16 other chosen children all though the school went to Mega Air. the teacher aids/helpers won a class trip to mega air, so they all picked some kid that they think deserve to go. I was so excited when I got told as I had never been to mega air. so when the day came I was unable to sit still, well I had to I was in school, but you know what I mean. we left at about 11:40 and came back at 1:20 lunch we had spent about 2 hours! any way we got out of class at 11:33 and went to the meeting place [the learning center] and took the role. then we walked 100m to mega air. when we got there we had to take our shoes and socks. then we watched the safety video. then we were let loose, and I was so happy. about 3 min in I went to jumped into the air bag but I was scared. but I went and did it after 5 attempts and it was its so fun so I jumped in over 10 times over the time we were there. after we had our time everyone was happy but tired. so that is my recount of mega air.  👍 👋

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

word cloud

today in science we did a test and then a word cloud heres mine 

then we got our resotes out of 36 and i got... 30 

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Barefoot Burglar

The case of the Barefoot Burglar

The Crime

At approximately 7:15 a.m., Friday morning, Mrs. King, the science teacher, thought something was fishy as she walked down the hall and noticed that her door was open. She walked into her classroom and immediately discovered that the small aquarium had been broken and her prized gold fish were gasping in the sink. Beside the broken aquarium were the shattered remains of the pink piggy bank that had been on the shelf above the aquarium. A can of blue paint was spilled on the floor. Footprints of a barefooted burglar led to an open window. Bits of a white powdery substance were found next to the broken, empty, piggy bank. The only other item found was a half-eaten large chunk of chocolate candy.

When the police arrived they immediately began to gather forensic evidence.
Peg the LegPeg the Leg
Height: 5'
Alias: Lucky Lady

Peg is a librarian known for hanging horseshoes and four leaf clovers in her library. Employees say she is so superstitious she insisted on carpeting in the library instead of laying tiles so she would not step on the cracks. She wraps construction zone tape around open ladders so no one can walk under them. Cola bottles litter her office, which she drinks with chocolate chunks. Her teeth are chipped from knocking the bottles against them. She is always throwing salt over her shoulder for good luck and keeps a salt shaker in her purse. Her alibi is that she was busy closing open umbrellas the morning of the crime.

Jake the JockJake the Jock
                                                                         Height 6'6"
                                                                      Alias: Armchair Quarterback

Jake the Jock is known for quoting statistics on every sport from boomerang throwing to sled dogging. His neighbors report that he is the neighborhood pitcher for baseball games. Last year a baseball hit him in the mouth and knocked out his front tooth. This has cramped his eating style of chocolate chunks, candied apples, and corn on the cob. His wife claims that on the morning of the crime Jake was rubbing his hands with cornstarch to keep them dry in preparation for an important baseball game.

Dan the Man

Dan the Man
Height : 5'8"
Alias: The General

Dan was wearing a woolen general's uniform with small holes when apprehended in the woods. He claimed to be gnawing on wood for moisture and insects to practice his survival training. His teeth look like a beavers from gnawing. His wife complains that she never has any baking soda due to Dan's compulsion about storing clothes in mothballs. He thinks the baking soda takes away the mothball smell, so he stuffs his pockets with the substance. Also, his wife reports that her giant chocolate kisses continually disappear from the candy cupboard. He blames their dog Patton, an English bull terrier, who patrols the neighborhood. His neighbors report that Dan loves the military. He was very regimented about playing taps on his bugle every day at sunset until an irate neighbor broke his bugle. Dan has been trying to save money for a new one.

Lou LouLou Lou
Height: 5'3"
Alias: Sweet Tooth

Lou Lou is so addicted to sugar that she never leaves home without it. She loves to bake sweet things and has an entire pantry full of sugar bins. She claims to have been baking her famous chocolate chunk cookies the morning of the crime (although not a morsel of cookie or chocolate chunk was left when the police arrived.) Lou Lou rarely wears shoes, which often causes her to slip and break things, especially her collection of ceramic pigs.
  • Sticky, 'swirl' fingerprints were lifted from the aquarium and piggy bank. 
  • The painted footprints were measured and were for 26cm feet. ( size 8)
  • The chunk of chocolate candy was collected for examination. It appeared there were teeth imprints.
  • The white powdery substance by the piggy bank was carefully placed in a plastic bag and taken to the forensic chemist for identification . It had very small grains and when mixed with Iodine it reacted making the colour brown. It did not have a smell.
my thinkings/finding 

Peg the Legalways throwing salt over her shoulder {white powder.} there was a white powder in the crime scene 
Jake the Jockeating style of chocolate chunks. rubbing his hands with cornstarch [white powderthe was half eaten choc
Dan the Manbaking soda {white powder} and choc chunks are missing 
Lou Lou rarely wears shoes, suger {white powder}was barefoot 
the bad guy is i think lou lou because suger turns black/brown she really wears shoes and has a sweet tooth

let me know what you think

sorry if the pics dont load i dont know why they are not 

white powder tests

white powder tests

baking powder


  1. place 1/4 of a teaspoon (1 ml ) of the four white powders on a sheet of black paper. label the powder 
  2. study the powder with a magnifying glass 
  3. add idaden to the powder then throw it out 

here are the results 
we think
 A was baking powder
B was cornflower
C was suger
and D was salt 

Thursday, 1 March 2018

arts kete Musical full recount

Monday the 13th of November  the  year 7 and 8s found out what art they where doing for the new kete, the arts, and I am in the acting group. and we are doing a musical of the lion king

the first day we did some games warm ups and so dance. we first played tequila and then we play copy clap and then a zombie game. we then danced to thriller and can't stop the feeling. we also did some warm ups

the second day we played 123 16/16 and circle copy/ another name for copy clap\ we sang the circle of life from the lion king. and did some scales

the third day we read the script and learned the dance for hakuna matata it was a quick day

the forth day we found out who we are and read the script and sang to  the circle of life hakuna matata and i just can't wait to be king  we then saw what coustume bits there are.

the next couple of days we did practise and then finally performed it here is the vid\
lion king

all about me 2018

well it's another year and I'm back in science so here is another all about me

my name is Michaela and my from class this year is 8Ts. My teacher is mr Tisch and ya. I'm 12 and cant wait to get deep in to this year

here's a sneak peek on a story that Im writing
Many years ago, when I was just a small boy, we found a mysterious object washed up on the
beach. It was a sort of silver-grey colour, and looked like a finger, only much, much larger.
My friends and I had huddled together on the beach around the thing, holding our hands
up to our faces to shield our eyes from the dazzling sun, talking excitedly about what it could
be. Some hours later, after we had all made up wild stories about the origin of our new toy, we
dragged the colossal item that was the size of our dining table up to the village.

As we made our way slowly over the sand dunes, and the long, wispy grass that marked the
end of the beach and the start of the fields, a crowd seemed to be gathering. Women and young
children were leaving their houses, young lads were leaving tools and ploughs unattended in
the fields, and rosy-cheeked men were stumbling out of the smoke-filled tavern, all hurrying
with increasing urgency towards us.

when I am finished I will post it


to day in science we did forgery in names and these are my results 

  1. phillip was strate where i was not
  2. chanty was the closest and was more to my shape 
  3. and my signature seems easy to forge

the difernt types of detecding the forgery is

  1. top of letter analysis
  2. bottom of letter analysis
  3. slant analysis

PS I know about my bad spelling 

foot prints

to day in science we had to mecher our height and shoe size and this is the results 

Shoe size
me[michaela]28cm1m 62cm
phillip27cm1m 58cm

Digital Brochure

For kete we had to make a digital brochure for our school. So I did a PowToon and this is what I made. I was able to do all this in about 2 hours give or take. I hope you like it.