
Wednesday 1 April 2020


In English we are writing a 'short' narrative (Mine won't be all that short) here is the plot. I changed the character profile quite a bit. I had trouble with the plot. It was going to be about elves, but I didn't like that. I then asked Mrs Johnson if we could a fanfiction, and she said we could. So I did that. 


Ok. Plot. Have the person. Need to put her into a story, simple. Not really.
Name - Lilly
Age - 6
Gender - Female 
Sexualty - Pansexual
Family - Father (dead, Name Stanley Barker) Mother (Dead Name Lola Valdez) Brother (older (Older twin) age 14 name Oak, power earth ) Brother (older (younger twin) age 14 name Leo, powers fire )
Looks - Tan skin, light green eyes, blond hair (curly, mid back) tall (5.9) Freckles,  
Personality (3 pos 1 neg ) - Gullible, Kind, shy, smart,
Backstory - Her mother died shortly after she was born. Her father fell into a deep depression, and locked himself in his room, leavin the 10 year old twins to look after the baby, house, and food. Around five years later, the father dies in his sleep.
Magic/Powers - telekinesis 

Her background goes into the story. Only I have just got rid of her back story. 
Right, plan. I want to keep the twins, I am keeping Zakaria Thornton (ether as father or step father), Mother might die at some point in time,  
Avengers fanfic 

Her mother died shortly after she was born. Her father fell into a deep depression, and locked himself in his room, leavin the 10 year old twins to look after the baby, house, and food. Around five years later, the father dies in his sleep. They realise they are running out of money bills are piling up, and soon a man comes to see why they aren’t paying their bills. When Five year old Lilly opens the door He asks if her parents are available. She nods and runs back into the house. The twins come. He asks again if their parents are available. When he finds out that they are dead he calls child services. They come and take the children to a orphanage where they meet Ms Colson. She brings them in and gives them a room. They get enrolled into school, Midtown Primary. the twins get bullied for not knowing all that much. Lilly makes a friend called Jeremy Heere.  Around six months of being in the orphanage, On Lilly’s sixth birthday, She finds out she has powers! She can float things. Not very high, but she still can. The twins are confused but happy at the same time. They tell her to keep it a secret. On the way home one day, a van pulls up beside them as they are walking. The door opens and they get dragged into the van. A cloth gets shoved over their nose and mouth and they black out. When they wake up they are in a dark damp cage. Day after day, they were tested on and beaten. After each day they were thrown back into their cage and left. If they were good they would get a scrap of food. One day an alarm goes off and they get hurriedly thrown back into their cages, the sound of a battle going on around them. Soon the door opens and a man with a metal arm comes in. They get rescued. They get taken to a tower where they get introduced to the people who rescued them. Metal arm dude (Who they found out was called Bucky) Helped them settle, Along with Wanda (Someone with the same powers as Lilly) And Brie (A teenager who had been kidnapped by Hydra as well) {At a different time}. At Christmas they all get a present from Bucky. Adoption papers. 

Full Character list
  • Lilly
  • Oak
  • Leo
  • Mrs Colson
  • Ms Close
  • The Man (Child services)
  • Zakaria Thornton (Hydra agent)
  • Scientists (Hydra)
    • Avengers 
      • Bucky
        • Wanda
        • Steve
        • Natasha
        • Clint
        • Bruce
        • Loki
        • Peter
        • Brie
        • Thor
        • Steven
        • Vision
        • Tony

      1. They are at home 
      2. They want someones help/love (They want someone to look after them
      3. They get taken to the orphanage
      4. They are there for an year getting using to going to school and not having to do the bills/housework
      5. They have someone looking after them. They have a ‘Home’
      6. They get kidnapped by H.Y.D.R.A.
      7. They get rescued and taken to the tower 
      8. They get adopted.