
Thursday 1 February 2018

Swimming Week 3-4

in term 4 four students in 7Ld, two in 7Tz, two from 7Sh and three year 8s  were given the chance to go swimming for two weeks. all year 7 and 8s where sent an email in term 2 say to email Mr Hilliard to get involved in swimming. only the 13 students did  then two did not come. One did not want to do it any more and one I think was sick and though was at school could not go swimming.

any way the 11 that have been coming are split in to two groups, the beginners and the intermediates and I was in both. the first lesson I was in the beginners and then I moved up a level to the intermediates and been there for the rest of the time. so far it has been fun and hard at the same time. We start every lesson with a length of kicking and then go on to the other things planned for the day. we leave at 10:15 and come back at 11:45. 

all in all i cant wait for next year to go swimming again 

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