
Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Our New Kete

The Lorax-movie 

Image result for the lorax
To introduce the new Kete, Toitutanga, sustainability, the year 7 cohort went in to 7Sh and watched The Lorax.

The big idea of the movie to me is that no matter what your actions will affect what happens to you and the world. Chopping down trees like the once-ler did as a young man is a example on the thing that change your environment.  A small decision can change the world for better or worse. I think the author, Dr Seuss, wants us to think about what we decide to do and the affeat to us and nater. To me some of the key concepts is logging, being sustainable and deforestation.

what we could do to help this in real life is to have less rubbish by using more as re/upcycling some of your no longer useful stuff.

Safety in the science lab

Safety in the science lab

no running
keep your hands to your self/ don't touch things you don't know what they are
put your bag under the desk
be careful with the equipment
no eating or drinking in the lab

these are some of the things we may use


to day we got to play/work with the Bunsen burner

to day in science ...

I got my Bunsen burner licence. 


My Adolescent Brochure

LO:Create a brochure for advising adolescents on how to get through the changes of puberty.

One of the assessment tasks was to make a brochure for our peers on the changes of puberty.
Here are some pictures of mine. The pages are, Puberty Changes For Boys, Puberty Changes For Girls, Hygiene Importance and Finding Solutions.
front cover
page 1
pages 2&3
page 4
Over all I feel that I did really well but I think I needed more colour. I also think I should of had more writing. Let me know what you think.