
Wednesday 5 December 2018

EOCT Week review

This last week the year 8's went on EOCT day camps. On monday it was postponed due weather but was put on to the following tuesday (yesterday). Starting on last tuesday we went to Rehua Marae and the Museum in town . this was my least favorite day. for some reason I don't like many cultural activities like going to a marae. on wednesday we went to Omaka Scout Camp. this is down by the airport. we were split into 8 groups and I was in group 5. it was still spitting but we still went ahead. the 8 groups were split in to two other groups survival and water. I was in the survival group. there was 4 activities for the survival group and 4 for the water group in the survival group there was archery, slacklining, orienteering and fire building. archery was my favorite in this day. on thursday we went to spencer park and adrenalin forest. we were split into two groups. one went to adrenalin forest first and the other went to spencer park first. I went to spencer park first. we had fish and chips for lunch that day as well. the groups swapped after lunch. adrenalin forest was my favorite thing out of all. then on the next tuesday we went back to Omaka and did the other group survival or water. as the water group last time did not get to get in the water as it was to cold so they changed some of the things to make it more fair. in water there was paddle boarding, water safety, lawn games, and sports. Paddle boarding was my favorite one on that day.